nwCompare - Julia

To compare numbers use nwCompare - num. To compare tables of number use Compare tables

nwCompare is a software for n-way comparison of text files such as proteins, genes, pathways...names lists. nwCompare - Julia is a rewriting of the original nwCompare using the Julia programming language. The comparison algorithm is the same but the implementation is simpler and better. nwCompare - Julia has no graphical interface, it has no limit of lists that it can compare, it automatically produces the abundance table of the lists and the intersection of all lists.

If you enjoy using nwCompare and find it useful, then please cite Fred'Softwares address and Sorting protein lists with nwCompare

Sorting protein lists with nwCompare: a simple and fast algorithm for n-way comparison of proteomic data files.

Pont F, Fournié JJ. Proteomics. 2010 Mar;10(5):1091-4.

The abundance table can be opened and processed with a matrix visualization software.

This picture shows how proteins identified in 6 experiments are distributed (click to enlarge)

Manual :

1- install Julia free programming language v 0.7 or later.

2- unzip the software

3- copy your n lists files in the “data” directory.

- text file (or csv) one value per line.

4- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

5- the results are in the results directory

Trick : if you have 2 lists A and B and you want to compute <A or B> with nwCompare : just merge the 2 files A, B together using for example Merge Files Vertically or the <cat> Unix command, and label this file A_or_B.txt, put it in the data directory and restart nwCompare.