Sort Protein Groups

When a peptide is shared by more than on protein, the protein group contains a list of proteins names or accession numbers. To be able to compare protein groups, with a tool such as nwCompare - Julia, they have to be in the same order. Sort Protein Groups, will sort the cells of a table so they can be compared. Sort Protein Groups is not limited to protein and can sort any group of string in tables cells.

Manual :

Sort Protein Group v 0.4 is compatible with Julia >= 0.6

1- install Julia free programming language and install package :

CSV : Pkg.add("CSV")

2- unzip the software

3- edit config file in the config directory.

- enter the names of the columns to sort in the RowNames column

- enter the string separators in the Delim column

it is possible to enter one or more separator in the Delim column

the first separator will be used as a final separator.








in column A, the separator is ";", whereas in colum B, there are two separators "," and ";".

So the string "D,B;A" will be replaced by :

A;D,B in column A

A;B;D in column B

4- copy your n tables in csv (TAB delimitated by default) files in the “data” directory.

- first line of the table : column names with at least : RowNames of config file

- next lines : values and strings

5- execute the software by the command : julia software_name

6- results tables are in the results directory.