Tupy Mini 175

The Tupy Mini was a compact car vision developed by Tupy Veículos Especiais Ltda. in the first half of the 80's (wich also made buggies and '51 Jeep replicas based on the VW chassis between 1979 and 1983). The model uses a shortened VW 1300 chassis, so the little car is just 2,63m long. It's objective was to provide an alternative solution to the traffic jams that were already frequent in São Paulo, with an extremely compact 2 seat passenger car. The design was created Denis (a flight instructor!) while the mechanics and fiber glass tool project were done by Runoval Scimidt Gallo, one of the owners of Tupy. The project has some curious solutions, like the doors that are opened by pulling strings instead of door handles, at the best Ferrari F40 style, windows that mixes transparent plastic with canvas, with the sealing done through zypers, and the panel that has three bag that work as compartments, as is the tendency for today's automobiles. One of the ideas that would be further developed was an appropriate engine for the vehicle, smaller and more fuel efficient, but development ceased in 1983, when the company went bankrupt as an effect of the heavy economic inflation that Brazil suffered in the 80's.

Not much bigger than a bike and equipped with the VW air colled 1300 engine, the Tupy might have an enviable agility in the traffic.


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