Reporting and Tracking

OGD has reporting tools and features. Click Dashboard, Analytics, or Reports tab in OGD. Explore the options.

Click here for the Dashboard module.

Click here for the Analytics module.

For Reports, click the Reports tab.

Existing reports from Reports module

These reports are being reviewed/improved (as of September 2021)

For an updated list, go to OGD Reports module.

Check for Missing or Wrong Member Information

It is best practice to do this every 3 to 6 months.

If you need further assistance, contact your area/sector OGD Encoder and/or someone who is familiar with Excel.

We need your help in keeping the OGD up-to-date. The accuracy of members' information help keep related reports accurate. These are need for decision making and planning.

User Manuals

Refer to the user manual for more information.

Extra Tools (unofficial)

OGD may not be able to generate reports that meet the needs of your chapter. These Google Sheets may be able to provide you the reports you need. However, you need to manually update them.

To get a copy