Info Security Q&A

This is not a complete list of information security details related to CFC systems -- e.g., OGD and Members Portal.

OGD and Members Portal

Are the OGD and CFC Global Members Portal secure?

There are several components of security both systems -- for example:

Every CFC member accessing the systems is part of and responsible for the overall security.

Many are concerned about the systems getting hacked. If systems of military agencies and multinational enterprises have been hacked in the past, it only shows that any system can be hacked.

Is it safe to put in personal information?

The CFC IT team responsible for the OGD and Members Portal is doing their best to secure our information.

We are all partly responsible for ensuring the safety of our information. Read the sections below.

The truth is, the risk is higher in

Who are able to enter / update personal information of CFC members?

Each member can update his/her personal information using the Members Portal. Here are the procedures.

Those who have access to the OGD can also update the records of members within their organization (e.g., chapter, cluster, or sector).

Who can access your information?

Your OGD record (which includes your personal information)

Using the Members Portal, you can

Tithes information are not in the OGD and Members Portal.

Web Browser

How safe is your web browser?

Are transactions to OGD secure?


How do you keep your computer safe?

Privacy Laws

Does the OGD comply with Canada Privacy Laws?

As of June 2020, there is no official document that CFC members sign allowing the gathering and use of personal information. However, CFC has no intention of sharing your information to others. Your information is only for CFC use.

Some references to Canada Privacy Laws.