
Capturing Attendance

Part of good governance is accurately capturing and monitoring attendance to various CFC events. We appreciate your help in taking an active part in this activity.

Click here for an infographic for Members Portal and Attendance Capture Software (ACS).

Using Members Portal

    • Use the Members Portal to report attendance to household meetings, service meetings, 1-on-1 / 2-on-2 sessions.
    • If you do you see any of your household members in your Members Portal, contact your PFO or Mission Support Coordinator (i.e., OGD Encoder).

Using Online Attendance Capture

    • To facilitate online attendance capture, create the activity in OGD. Copy the web link for the online attendance capture.
        • If you forgot to copy the web link after creating the activity, go back to activity in OGD. For details, click here.
    • Send the web link to the participants. Each one needs to enter his/her Members Portal user name and password during the event.

Using OGD (Online Global Data)

    • The Mission Support Coordinator (i.e., OGD Encoder) can use the OGD to post the attendance of activities. Enter each attendee to the activity / event.

Using ACS (Attendance Capture Software)

    • Use ACS to capture attendance for variousCFC events. Then upload the attendance file to OGD.
    • For desktop or laptop
      • Log in to OGD.
      • Click on the Activities tab at the top menu.
      • Just above the Search area at the right side, click DOWNLOAD ATTENDANCE CAPTURE SOFTWARE to download the ACS program.
      • Here is the ACS v2 Desktop user guide.
    • For mobile phone or tablet
      • Access Play Store / Apple Store.
      • Search for: CFC ACS
      • The app has these details
        • ACSv2 - Attendance Capture Software
        • Couples For Christ Global
        • Mission Foundation Inc.
      • Download and install.
      • Here is the ACS v2 Mobile user guide.

Questions & Answers

Who encodes the attendance?

    • For chapter activities and Pastoral Formation -- the Mission Support Coordinator (i.e., OGD Encoder) .
    • For household meetings, service meeting, and 1-on-1's -- the head of the household (Cluster Head, Chapter Head, Unit Head, Household Head)
    • For any assembly/meeting where Pastoral Formation talks are given, send attendance details to the OGD encoder. This is reported separately. The OGD Formation records of members need to be updated.

How can we automate keying in attendance records for chapter, cluster, and sector/area events?

    • Use the ACS (Attendance Capture Software) program for computer and/or mobile phone.
      • Download the installer from OGD (ACS-Desktop) or Apps Store (ACS-Mobile).
      • Download the user guides from OGD.
      • OGD web site:
      • This is for Chapter Leaders and OGD encoders only.
      • Other CFC leaders may also have access depending on their service.

How can we automate keying in attendance records for household meetings?

What if our household meeting is proceeded by a service meeting?

Using the Members Portal

    • Enter the attendance for the household meeting.
    • Enter the attendance for the service meeting.

These are two separate meetings which need to be capture separately.

Where do I report 1-on-1 / 2-on-2 meetings?

Use the Members Portal to report 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 meetings.