Updating Members Formation Track

Do your best to regularly update the records of CFC members.

Updated personal information are needed in reports and other purposes.

Members can view and update their information using Members Portal.

  • Log in to the OGD and search for the member's OGD record as described here.
  • Click Formation tab.
  • You can see the percentage completion for each formation topic.
  • The Formation record is typically updated when the PFO / OGD Encoder uploads an attendance report involving a pastoral talk.
  • You can also manually update the Formation record of each member.
    • Click the formation topic -- for example: ET - Evangelization Training.
      • Click on the box for each talk that the member has attended.
        • Ensure that there is a check mark in the box for the talk(s) that the member has already attended.
      • Click Save Changes.
  • There is a Notes box in the Formation tab where you can put in various information (e.g., church name and address where the couple got married).
    • Type in the details in the Notes box.
    • Click Save Changes.
  • When are you done updating, click Close or click on another tab to continue updating.