
What is a password?

  • For OGD and Members Portal systems, your credentials are your user name and password.
  • You need to put in the correct credentials to access or log in either system.
  • Keep your credentials confidential especially your password. It is your contribution to help secure both systems.

Can I change my user name?

  • You cannot change your user name in OGD and Members Portal.
  • Your user name is provided by CFC Manila. This is to ensure that there is no duplication.

What is a good password?

  • A good password is one that people cannot just guess using something related to you.
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Birthday
    • Address
    • Pet name
    • Birth place
    • Favorite <something / someone>
    • And so on.
  • It is not a word or does not have a word that is found in a dictionary of any language.
  • It is a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols (or special characters like %, #, $). Some systems do not allow some special characters (e.g., space.
  • A longer password is always better than shorter one. But it may be more challenging to remember.

How can I make my password more complex?

  • You can switch numbers or symbols to letters and vice versa.
  • Here are some examples. Do not use these examples because these are common passwords.
    • Password1 = Pa$$w0rd1 (length = 9)
    • HelloWorld! = H311oW0r1d! (length = 11)
    • Merry Christmas = m344yChristm@z (length = 14)
    • aRounDthew0r!din80d@ys (length = 22)
  • A good and creative way is to use texting language or shortcuts. Here are some examples:
    • Happy + LOL + Birthday = HapiL0LBday (length = 11)
    • See you. See me. See you all later at 430 = CuCmeCuAllL8r@430 (length = 17)
  • Another creative way is to phonetically spell words of mixed languages and use texting language.
  • Invent your own words, lingo, jargon for your passwords.
  • The idea is to make your password very difficult to guess by others and easy enough for you to remember.

How can I keep my password secure?

  • Keep your password in a safe place -- not on a sheet of paper.
  • Change your password regularly.
  • When logging in to our systems, ensure no one can see what you are typing.
  • Watch out for people who may be watching from behind or even mobile devices, or security cameras.
  • Use different passwords for different systems.

How often do I need to change my password?

  • Some systems required passwords to be changed regularly (e.g., every 3 to 6 months).
  • It is good to change your password at least once a year. Some may say about 3 times a year.

Is it safe to save your user name and password in your web browser?

  • The safest is to not save your user name and password to your web browser.