Reports - Look for Members of a Household Head


Here, Household Head may mean a Household Head, Unit Head, Chapter Head, Cluster Head, or Sector/Area Head.


When you change someone's status from Household Head (or Household Leader) to Member, you get an error message:

Error! Cannot set service to MEMBER. There are still members assigned to this leader as the household head. Re-assign them all first to a new household head.

Look for his/her members and add a new Pastoral Service Record for the new Household Head.

If you want to set the member's status to Inactive, follow these steps.

If you still get the above error message, the person still appears as the household head of one or more

  • active members in your chapter/sector.

  • inactive members in your chapter/sector.

  • active members who transferred to another chapter/sector.

  • inactive members who transferred to another chapter/sector.

It is relatively easy to fix the issue for the above situations. See the steps below.

It may be possible that one or more members transitioned to another ministry (for example: CFC to HOLD/SOLD). This needs coordination with HOLD/SOLD OGD encoders. This seldom happens though.



  1. From the top menu, click Reports.

  2. Click: Export Specific Fields.

  3. If needed, select the Area. Type in the initials of your area. OGD then displays the various clusters and chapters in your area.

  4. Click the checkboxes as shown. This specifies the fields/details that you want to export. The Chapter field is not needed if you are logged in as a chapter OGD Encoder.

  5. Click Export. This downloads a CSV file with those fields.

In Excel or a similar spreadsheet software

  1. Open the CSV file.

  2. Press Ctrl-F and type in the first name or last name of the household head concerned.

  3. Click Find Next to search for the next occurrence. Repeat as needed.

  4. Take note of the names of those who are still listed as members of the Household Head.

For an inactive member, the latest entry for the Pastoral Service Record should show a blank household head (HH HEAD) with a Status of INACTIVE. See these steps.


  1. Update the service records of those concerned. After you update all the records of the members, update the record of the Household Head.

When done, close and and delete the Excel file.