





不過,小琳總算是沒讓她失望。小琳要疾風看的是一個音樂檔,藏在夜天之書所藏資料的一個不起眼角落,要不是小琳為了給夜天之書做詳盡的檢查,兼之兩代Rein Force之間有著奇妙的感應,還真的找不到。


那是一首歌,初代Rein Force在選擇自裁以前,自行改編、錄製的一首地球的名歌。

Don’t cry for me, Argentina,阿根廷別為我哭泣。

It won't be easy


You will think it worth


When I try to explain how I feel


that I still want your happiness after all that I've done


You won't assent to me


All you will see is a life you seem knew


Although her body is so small


And act like a spoiled child


I had to let it happen


I had to leave


Couldn't stay all your life on wheelchair


Looking out of the window


Staying out of the sun


So I chose the death


Sleep in your heart with your happiness


And nothing repented me at all


I never expected it to


Don't cry for me, Hayate chun.


The truth is I never left you


All through my long days


I lived out control


I kept my promise


Won't keep my distance


And as for fortune and as for fame


I never invited them in


Though it seemed to the world


They were all you need


They are illusions


They are not the solutions


They promise to be


The answer was here all the time


I love you and hope you love me


Have I said too much?


There is nothing more I can think of say to you


But all you have to do


Is look at me to know that every word is true.........


