Yield: 16 portions

Ingredient Amount

Chicken, whole 4 ea.

Black pepper, coarsely ground 2 Tbsp.

Sugar 4 Tbsp.

Lime juice 1 Cup

Onion, peeled, sliced into paper 1 Cup

thin rings, soaked in cold water

Chilies, Thai bird, thinly sliced 10 ea.

Rau ram leaves, torn 2 Cups

Mint leaves, torn 2 Cups

Cilantro leaves, torn and stems minced 2 Cups

Peanut oil ¼ Cup

Fish Sauce ¼ Cup

Vietnamese Sambal ¼ Cup

Boston lettuce, washed and trimmed 10 leaves

Banana leaves triangles, plate garnish 10 ea.

Jasmine rice, steamed 10 Cups

Red Fresno chilies, paper thin slices 6 ea.

Shallots, crispy 1 Cup (recipe follows)

Mise en Place

1. Bring stockpot of salted water to a vigorous boil.

2. Add chicken and return to boil, simmer 15 minutes then turn off the heat. Let the chicken sit in the pot, covered, for 45 minutes or until 165° F internal temperature.

3. Remove chicken and plunge into cool water for 10 minutes.

4. Remove skin from chicken and meat from bones. Be careful to get maximum yield from chickens

5. By hand shred chicken meat into thick strips, reserve.

At Service

1. Line a plate with banana leaf triangle and lettuce leaves.

2. Combine chicken, black pepper, salt and sugar and toss gently.

3. Add lime juice, onions, thai bird chilies, rau ram, mint, cilantro, oil and fish sauce and toss gently – do not break chicken into pulp.

4. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary.

5. Plate salad, steamed rice, garnish salad with rings of Fresno chilies and some crispy shallots (see fisherman’s soup recipe for Crispy Shallot method)