Life Drawing

Post date: Oct 3, 2014 1:54:17 PM

Every year I run my students through a two week gauntlet of a typical life drawing setup. The two weeks are designed to give them a sense of what a life drawing class is like and what the progression in difficulty and application would be. For the most part students are pretty nonplussed by it, and the ones that do voice their opinion are rather negative. It's tough to get a consensus because they feel intimidated by their apparent lack of skill but it's a non issue. This lasts two weeks, the models aren't nude, half the time it's a struggle to get interesting poses, and at most they can be twenty to thirty minute drawings, not really enough time to truly develop something. As you look at the examples below, keep in mind I've made the album public, you can view way more examples after the jump. These are just a handful of exceptional or successful drawings from sets of submitted drawings. The total sum of drawings made over the course of two week were quite well done and very diverse. So even the album is just a small portion of the whole.