Tech at GHS

A handy guide for tech

Click on a topic below to jump to the topic. Each one has a PowerPoint presentation and tutorial video. We will go over these in class, but if you ever need a quick reference guide bookmark this page. Almost all of these topics have millions of YouTube videos showing you the same topics I've covered but better. Be sure to do your own studying online.

YouTube GHS tech playlist

Tech Support & How to Login to a computer

If you're having problems use the contact info provided below.


Call: 831-385-0606 ext 3333

Message Tech Support in Teams

Students using the Surface Pro's can login to the default Student account with provided password. Please keep track of your ID number, its seven digits and typically starts with 505 for example: 5054321. Your password should be provided to you at the start of the year if you are a freshmen.

PowerPoint Presentation

Step by Step Tutorial

Log into Office 365

It is absolutely essential that you remember the student ID number you were given, your password, and how to use that at the start of your email for Office 365 login.

Your ID number is seven digits and typically starts with 505 for example: 5054321. Your password should be provided to you at the start of the year if you are a freshmen.

The email for Office 365 login is [yourIDnumber] so for example if your ID was 5051234 then the login email would be

PowerPoint Presentation

Step by Step Tutorial

Log into Aeries and check your grades

Frequently check your grades in Aeries to stay aware of your progress in high school.

How to Log into Aeries.

  1. Log in with your school email, if you don’t know it it is your then

  2. Your password should be the one you use when you log in, into Office 365. If not then keep reading

  3. If you need to reset the password, follow the next few steps.

  4. Click on forgot password at the login screen and enter the school email.

  5. Check your school email in Office 365 Outlook app, you should see an email from Aeries to reset your email using a link.

Use Google Chrome

You can create a free Google Account, and log into Google Chrome. You can use Chrome to save bookmarks to your bookmark bar, save passwords, and thus save you time when browsing the web. A word of advice, save your passwords in Lastpass if you can, and never share your password with anyone.

Google of course has tons of free resources, Google photos is a must, YouTube is an incredible resource, and this site is a Google site.

PowerPoint Presentation

Navigate Teams

Microsoft Teams is where your assignments will be posted, check Teams often for updates. Download the mobile app and sign into your school MS Office 365 account to gain access to Teams on the fly.

PowerPoint Presentation

Step by Step Tutorial

Use OneDrive

OneDrive is a school provided cloud storage location. You can sync your OneDrive folder to your desktop to easily access and edit your files using the MS Office desktop applications. You get 1TB of cloud storage, so its a great place to backup your files. And anytime you make a file in browser as part of the Office 365 suite that file is stored to your OneDrive folder.

PowerPoint Presentation

Basic file management

Keep your files organized and nested in a series of folders. Pin commonly used applications to your taskbar. Copy and paste files between folders using your shortcut keys on your keyboard.

PowerPoint Presentation