Muzzy in Gondoland >>> 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6)

Muzzy comes back >>> 1 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 (6) ( 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Muzzy 11

¿Cómo funciona tu caja negra? >> How does your black box work?

Tú pones esa pieza en el agua. >> You put that bit in the water.

Después tú tiras de la manivela. >>> Afterwards / Later / Then you pull the handle

Y el agua entra. >> And the water comes in.

Tú empujas la manivela y el agua sale. >>> You push the handle and the water comes out.

Tú presionas este interruptor y las puertas suben. >> You press this switch and the doors go up.

Tú presionas el otro / ese interruptor y las puertas bajan. >>> You press the other / that switch and the doors go / come down.

Y nadie puede entrar. >>>> And no one can go in.

Nadie puede vernos. >>>> Nobody can see us.

¿Qué son estas (cosas)? Son para el video. >>>> What are these (things)? They are for the video.

Ésta enciende el video y ésta lo apaga. >>>> This one turns the video on and this one turns it off.

Esas imágenes vienen de fuera. >>>> Those pictures are coming from outside.

El bebé necesita comida. >>> The baby needs some food.

¿Qué vamos a hacer? >>>> What are we going to do?

Pon leche en una botella. >>> Put some milk in a bottle.

Tú vas a poner leche en una botella. >>> You are going to put some milk in a bottle.

Vierte algo de leche en la botella. >>> Pour some milk in a bottle.

Yo voy a vertir / echar algo de leche en la botella. >>> I am going to pour some milk in the bottle.

Calienta la leche >>>> (Heat) Warm the milk!

Está más caliente ahora >>>> It is warmer now.

Voy a dársela al bebé. >>>> I am going to give it to the baby.

¿Puedes ver algo? >>>> Can you see anything?

Tengo algo para ti. >>>> I have got something for you.

¿Cómo es? Es grande y pesado. >>> What is it like? It's big and heavy.

¿De qué color es? Es blanco y negro. >>>> What colour is it? It is black and white.

¿Qué tipo de animal es? >>>> What kind of animal is it?

¿A qué distancia está? La caja negra dice que está a 20 km de aquí. >>> How far is it? The black box says that it is twenty kilometres from here.

¿Cómo vamos allí? Podemos ir en coche / en bici / en autobús / en barco / en avión / andando >>>> How do we go there? We can go by car / bike / bus / boat / ship / airplane / spaceship

on foot / = We can walk.

¿Por dónde vamos? (¿Qué camino?) Vayamos al norte / sur / este / oeste.

La caja no funciona.

No importa.

Podemos preguntarle a alguien.

No te rías. No es gracioso


Eres una niñita mala.

Estamos buscando un lugar con rocas grandes.

Hay muchos lugares como ése cerca de aquí.

Estamos buscando una casa muy pequeña.

Nadie vive allí.

Pero hay alguien.

Él no vive allí, pero él a veces va allí.

¿Cómo es él? Él es alto y camina así. Él tiene una cara verde y una nariz larga. Él lleva puestos sombreros graciosos.

Podemos atravesar por allí.

No es lo suficientemente ancho.

Estoy demasiado gorda.

Es más ancho por allí arriba.

Muzzy eres el más grande.

Muzzy 10

Look in that basket. We can put those clothes on.

It's too long. You are not tall enough. I'm taller than you.

We're making a new clock. This is the old one. I want a bigger one.

We're going to start work. Are you going to mend the clock? I'm going to get Muzzy's black box.

What an awful bird! Where does it come from? It comes from South America.

You mustn't open it. We must go this way.

This is the way out. I like driving. You're driving too fast. How fast are we going? How far is it?

How hot is it?

Did you write it down? Of course, I wrote it down. We're nearly there.

What a clever baby!

Muzzy 9

Let's be quiet! Let's be calm! Let's go quickly! Let's start now! Let's get Amanda back! Let's go carefully! Let's go to the river! Let's take one of these boats! Let's take this one!

We can catch them. She can't help us. She can't talk. I can teach her. She can learn everything from me.

She's Sylvia's daughter.

I want to marry her.

GIVING DIRECTIONS: Go left/right/straight on/straight ahead

Once upon a time...

PAST FORM OF: be, say, count, happen, go away, catch, take, put, get out, make, love, hate, hear

Did they go far? No, they didn't. They didn't go far.

What did you do? I didn't do anything.

There were lots of Sylvias. Did you make them? Were you here this morning? Did you see anything? We heard a funny noise.

What's the baby doing? She's pulling the plug out. The water is coming in. The boat is sinking.

I got wet. What did you do, naughty baby?

It looks like a boat. It isn't deep.

Is there anyone in it? There's no one in it. Don't worry. Let's look over there. Which way did they go? Did they go this way?

Muzzy 8

Wait a moment! Look outside!

Is anyone there? Can you see anyone? I can't see anyone. There's no one outside.

There's someone inside. I can't hear anyone? Now I can hear someone.

Your clock's working. Push the button. That's the wrong one.

Adverbs: politely, carefully, gently, quietly

Take the coat carefully. That's rude. Everyone's coming along. We're ready for the party.

So let's all sing a song. Let's have fun.

What is there at the party? There are peanuts, crisps, biscuits, buns, lemonade, orange juice, pizzas, pies, a great big huge enormous cake.

What about some chocolate or strawberry ice-cream? Would you like some soup / tea / spaghetti or rice?

PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I'm having clocks, I'm eating them all, I'm having some cheese, What's happening?, Someone is opening the door. She's going that way.

How much cake do you want? A little, I'm having a piece, too.

What's happening? Someone's opening the door. Someone opened that door.

She's going through that door. She went through that door.

I pushed the button. I was invisible.

This baby bites. She bit me.

We've got everything. Let's go! We looked everywhere. We can't find Amanda anywhere.

Muzzy 7

Now I'm in my spaceship. Now I'm on my way. I'm going to a party.

What time is the party?

Where's Sylvia?


Whose fingers are these?

How many fingers/toes/eyes has Amanda got?

What do we need for the cake? some flour, some sugar, some currants, some eggs, some butter

What are you doing? I'm making a cake.

What a nice surprise!

Does she often bite people?

What do we need? Do we need any salt/pepper? Is there any salt over there?


Lesson 1


  • INFORMAL: Hello! , Hi! , Bye , Good-bye!

  • FORMAL: How do you do?

  • Good morning / afternoon / evening / night

  • ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’ ‘Not very well’




Adjectives: strong, fat/thin, beautiful/ugly, clever/intelligent//stupid/silly, brave, big

I am the King and I am strong. He is Korvax and he is clever.

She is the queen and she is fat. He is the gardener and he is brave.

You are the princess and you are beautiful. He is Muzzy and he is not small.

Expressions used: Both of you, stop! , Off we go! , Far away , Come on , Follow me

she is beautiful, too I like peaches How many flowers are there?

TO HAVE: I have got a bag // You have got a motor-bike // She has got a map // We have got a computer // They have got a garden // The garden has got plums // The tree has got peaches // It has got grapes

POLITE REQUESTS: Can I have….? Can I have a peach, please? >> Here you are!

Lesson 2

What is this / that?

What are these / those?

Who are you?

What's your name?

It isn't for you.

Where do you come from? I come from up there.

NATIONALITIES: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Greece, Britain, England


stop, come here, look, listen, go away

Flowers – they are beautiful

small eggs in a big nest Katty, help! Look!

Lesson 3

Parts of the body: head, shoulders, arm, hand, foot/feet, tooth/teeth, eyes, mouth, knees, toes, fingers, ear


WHERE IS THE CAT? The cat is on the chair.

(prepositions >>> under, in, in front of, behind, between, over there, on)

Expressions used: Go away! , Lovely , Look at the bars! , Eat the bars! Lovely, delicious bars!

Korvax loves Sylvia

We’re free (other adjectives: wet, cold, hungry, thirsty, dry)

Have a drink! (other possibilities: a hamburger, a shower, a towel, a sweater, a rest)

I can’t see you. >>> I’m here, in the tree, under the tree

Where’s the palace? There it is. Let me try again.

Are you alright? Do you love me? No, I hate you.


Can you hear / see / talk / walk / run?

Who are you?

See you!

Lesson 4

THE ALPHABET. I don't know.

Can I have a rose, please? Thank you. I like roses.

I've got... a rose, a hamburger, a plum, a motor-bike

I love you/Sylvia/ the Princess. You love me. She loves me. He loves me.

WHERE IS THE CAT? The cat is on the chair.

(prepositions >>> under, in, in front of, behind, between, over there, on)

Expressions used: Go away! , Lovely , Look at the bars! , Eat the bars! Lovely, delicious bars!

Korvax loves Sylvia

We’re free (other adjectives: wet, cold, hungry, thirsty, dry)

Have a drink! (other possibilities: a hamburger, a shower, a towel, a sweater, a rest)

I can’t see you. >>> I’m here, in the tree, under the tree

Where’s the palace? There it is. Let me try again.

Are you alright? Do you love me? No, I hate you.


Can you hear / see / talk / walk / run?

Who are you?

See you!

Muzzy 6

Stop the computer!!! Be careful! Be quiet! Don't do that!!!

I can't stop the computer. Corvax can stop the computer.

There are lots of Sylvias everywhere. There is one over there. There goes a red/blue/green one. There goes a black and white one too.

COMPARATIVES: fat - fatter , small - smaller , big - bigger , tall - taller , silly - sillier

Why are you eating that? They are going into the computer room.

Who is that beautiful girl? What is her name? Where does she come from? When can I see her? Why am I down here?

Muzzy 5

Is it still working? It’s getting dark.

In autumn it gets dark at seven.

SEASONS OF THE YEAR >>> winter, autumn, spring, summer



On Monday I play football, basketball, go roller skating, do my exercises, go swimming, play golf, play tennis

When do you play football? On Monday.

Is it the one on the left/right/ the one in the middle? The one on the top floor? The computer room

Open the door quietly, look carefully, run downstairs quickly

How many are there? There is one

Where are they all coming from?

Why are you crying?

Muzzy 5 >>> ACTIVITIES


Mark goes to the cinema on Saturdays. / on Saturday evenings

Paul’s friends swim / go swimming in the morning. / in January / in 1987

At the weekend / at nine o’clock

¿Está funcionando todavía?

Está oscureciendo.

Is it still working? It’s getting dark.

En otoño oscurece a las 7.

In autumn it gets dark at seven.


winter, autumn, spring, summer



¿Cuándo juegas al fútbol? Go - play - do

El lunes juego al fútbol. El martes voy a nadar. El miércoles hago mis ejercicios.

When do you play football?

On Monday I play football, basketball, go roller skating, do my exercises, go swimming, play golf, play tennis

When do you play football? On Monday.

Is it the one on the left/right/ the one in the middle? The one on the top floor? The computer room

Open the door quietly, look carefully, run downstairs quickly

How many are there? There is one Where are they all coming from?

Why are you crying?

I can't reach the apple because it is TOO high.

I can't do this exercise because it is too difficult.

Muzzy 4

Parts of the body: Head, shoulders, ears, knees, toes, fingers, eyes

Behind the statue

Hello, I'm busy. I'm having lunch.

What's the matter? headache, stomachache, toothache, backache >>> Take this, stay in your room and have a rest!!!! Are you feeling better? I'm feeling fine.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS >>>> What's she doing? She's doing her exercises.

I'm going to the swimming-pool. Have a nice swim! I'm going to the tennis court. Have a nice game. I'm playing tennis. She is riding a horse.

HIS / HER knife, fork, glass, plate, bowl, crown

Muzzy 10

You are not tall enough. I’m taller than you. This is the old one.

I want a bigger one now.

It’s too heavy.

He’s stronger than me.

Now we need two hands for the clock.

That hand is too long, I need a shorter one.

It’s better.

How about a hat? I think this hat looks nice/awful.

You look ill. I’m not feeling well.

We’re going to start work.

Are you going to mend the clock?

I’m going to have my tea. No, we are not going to mend the clock.

Can you get some clocks for Muzzy?

What an awful bird!

We’re going to look in all the rooms.

We mustn’t go in there.

It’s dangerous. You mustn’t open it.

Careful, not safe.

I like driving.

You are driving too fast.

How fast are we driving? You must go slower / more slowly.

How far is it?

It didn’t go far enough.

How hot is it? It’s too hot.

Too late.

We’re nearly there.

Look for the three big trees on the right.

Straight on. Turn right/left.

Go slowly.

No one can see us.

It looks like an old house.

Muzzy 11

How does it work? You press this switch. You pull the handle. You push the handle in. It works like that.

This one turns the video on/off.

How to feed a baby >>> Pour the milk into the bottle, warm the milk, put it in there (into the microwave), it's warmer now.

What is it (the house) like? What colour is it? It’s big, it’s heavy, black and white….

How far is it? How do we go there? Which way do we go there?

TRAVELLING >>> Go by train, plane, car, bike, boat, bus, spaceship

Going south/north/east/west

You are going to learn a lesson.

We are looking for a very small house.

No one lives there, but there is someone.

We can get through there. It isn't wide enough. I am too fat. wider >>> That's the widest path.

big - bigger - the biggest, fast - faster -fastest, good - better - the best

Muzzy in German (Part 1 & Part 2) and in French.