Notes on FOLLOW ME 1-20


Follow Me - Beginner Part

01 - What's your name? (another link)

1 . What's your name?


    • What's your name? My name's... Hello, I'm ....

    • Good morning / afternoon / evening

    • Follow me, please! Thank you. Excuse me. Sorry

    • Are you...? Yes, I am. I'm... / No, I'm not. I'm...

    • Arrivals

    • Mr Smith to see Mr Jenkins

    • Numbers in English

    • Is that you Roger? This is Mary.

    • Follow me to Britain: (Morning at home) Come on, lazy bones! I'm late. What's the matter with....? Go downstairs! In five minutes I want you dressed. Tea. It's getting late. One egg or two? No salt again

02 - How are you? (another link)

2 . How are you?


    • How are you? I'm fine, thanks. How do you do? >> How do you do? Nice to meet you.

    • This is my boyfriend/girlfriend, ...... This is John/Mary. Hello.

    • Family names: wife, husband, sister, brother, father, mother.

    • Who's that? That's Barbara. Is that Barbara's brother? No, it isn't

    • HIS/HER >>> Frank is Betty's husband. Frank is her husband.

    • SPELLING >>> How do you spell it? THE ALPHABET

    • What's his address? His address is 7, London Road, Manchester.

    • What's his telephone number? What's his name?

    • Follow me to Britain: (Popular Fair) The Lord is my Shepherd.

03 - Can you help me? (another link)

3 . Can you help me?


    • Can you help me? Can you take this? Yes, of course / Yes, I can / No, I'm sorry, I can't.

    • Can I help you? No, thank you. / Yes, please.

    • Just a moment, please. After you, please. Can you take this? I can't take it now.

    • Can I sit here? Yes, please do. Shall I put it there? Can I come in?

    • Please, don't get up. Please, come in. Please, do.

    • Shall we stay here/go to the cinema?

    • Can I park here? No, you can't. Please, don't park here. Can I take your luggage?

    • Will you take this, please? Would you....? Would you follow me, please? Would you wait here, please? This way, please.

    • Follow me to Britain: (SIGNS) Entrance - No entry - Exit - Parking - No Parking - Ladies - Gentlemen (Gents)

04 - Left, right, straight ahead ( another link )

4 . Left, right, straight ahead


    • Excuse me, where's the post office? It's over there, on the left. LEFT / RIGHT / STRAIGHT AHEAD

    • Can you help me, please? Where's the park/the police station/the post office/art gallery? The park is on the left/on the right/straight ahead

    • Where's the Marble Arch Cinema? I'm sorry. I'm a tourist. I think it's in Market Street.

    • There's a post office in West Street. There's one in West Street. This way, please.

    • Where's the nearest post office? The nearest post office / one is in Market Street.

    • Thank you. You're welcome! Just a minute!

    • Where's the Grand Hotel? I'm sorry. I don't know, /// It's near here. It's in Market Street. //// I think it's in Market Street. /// The Grand Hotel is opposite the bank and next to the post office.

    • Follow me to Britain: (Parking meters) out of order - fine - penalty - parking - no parking - excess charge

05 - Where are they? ( another link )

5 . Where are they?

    • WHERE? IN / AT

    • Where is ...? I don't know. I think he is in ..... No, he isn't here. He's still at London Airport.

    • She's at the Grand Hotel. I'm sorry, she isn't in her room.

    • Where are they? They are at .... Are they in the bar? They aren't in their room.

    • He's gone to the cinema. He's at the cinema. He's not at home.

    • I'm at work / at the hairdresser's / at Uncle Charlie's / at his girlfriend's

    • Is Alice in? She's gone to a party / to the shops / to the theatre

    • in the canteen / in London / in his office

    • At the factory / at the airport / at the Tower of London / at Buckingham Palace / at London Airport / at Heathrow / at Gatwick / at the market

    • Follow me to Britain: Hoover, washing up, cardigan, market, carrots

06 - What's the time? ( another link )

6 . What's the time?


    • What's the time? What time is it? TIMES

    • (At) what time do the shops open? At.... We open / close at .... on .... We are closed.

    • She's late / early.

    • When do the staff arrive? When do the doors open?

    • When do the staff leave on weekdays / Saturday / at weekend ?

    • When do the trains leave for London? The next train will leave at 10.40

    • When do they arrive in London? They arrive in London at 7.55

    • Can we take the 10.10 train?

    • Follow me to Britain: Cambridge

07 - What's this? / What's that? ( another link )

7 . What's this? What's that?


    • What's this/that? It's ... a bottle of wine / perfume, soap (soup), toothpaste, grass, trees, houses

    • What are these / those? They're ... cigarettes, keys, river, rucksack (backpack)

    • How to go through customs (customs officer) >>> Goods to declare / Nothing to declare

    • COLOURS >>> What colour is ... ? It's ...

    • Look at the map! Rivers are blue. Wait / Just a moment!

    • The London Quiz (The Price is Right) The Tower of London, the River Thames

    • Would you open this one, please?

    • How long / high / old is ....? It's .... km long / metres high / years old

08 - I like it very much ( another link )

8 . I like it very much

    • Likes and dislikes

    • What do you think of my new hat? I'm sorry. I don't think it's very good. / I like it very much / I don't like it / I don't like it at all. What do you think of it / the food? Do you like this one? I like this one. I like it very much. It's nice. I like him / her. I don't like him.

    • Do you like this music / food / work / parties? Yes, I like parties.

    • What can I wear? Shall we go to a fancy dress party?

    • Welcome to our new house. I think it's very nice. Sit down, please.

    • Coffee or tea? Which do you prefer? This is the living-room.

    • I don't like small tables / chairs / pop music / I don't like striped shirts

    • I prefer classical music to pop music. We prefer dance music / beer / wine. I prefer beer to wine. I prefer white coffee to black coffee.

    • Shall we go to the cinema? There's one in West St Shall we stay here / at home and watch television? I think it's good/quite good/ not bad. Not bad at all.

    • How do you like the wine?

09 - Have you got any wine? ( another link )

9 . Have you got any wine?

    • Verb TO HAVE (GOT)

    • Have you got any maps / any clean knives / forks / glasses / German wine ? No, I haven't.

    • The forks are over there. There are some glasses over there.

    • Have you got a pen? Sorry, I haven't got a pen ( a room...)

    • I have got a new shirt / job / jacket (He's got ... / You've got... )

    • What do you think of it? What is it now?

    • Do you like Italian wine? Yes, I do.

    • Is there a garage near here? Are there any hotels near here?

    • Have you got any change? four tens and some twoes. writing paper, envelopes >>> stationer's / bookshop

    • One fish, one steak, two salads

10 - What are they doing? ( another link )

10 . What are they doing?


    • What's he doing? He's watching television. What's she doing? She's having a bath. She isn't having a shower. What's he eating? He's eating an apple. I think she's having a bath.

    • I'm having a nice holiday. He is at his girlfriend's. She's on holiday.

    • He always watches television in the evening. He is always in on Wednesdays. He never goes out on Wednesday. We always come here.

    • She goes to Brighton every year. We come here every year / every evening.

    • He never goes to the cinema. Does he go to the cinema? No, he doesn't.

    • I'm going to the cinema this evening / at eight o'clock. COFFEE SHOP

    • I'm staying at home this evening.

    • Follow me to Britain: (BINGO) all the eights - 88

    • Plan to Kill 00

11 - Can I have your name, please? ( another link )

11 . Can I have your name, please?

    • Can I...? / Shall I ...? Spelling names and phone numbers

    • Can I have your name? Can I speak to ....? Excuse me, he's out. Can I have your number?

    • What can I do for you?

    • Mrs Black is here to see you. I want to see Mr Matthews.

    • I'm sorry. I'm afraid you can't see him now.

    • Yes, that's right. Is that John Brown? (This is) J.B. speaking.

    • Shall I come and see you? / Can I come?

    • It's the porter here. Porter here. Shall I send it to your room?

    • Can you send it to my home? Be careful!

    • Plan to Kill 00 - Dr Miranda is in danger - Did you have a good journey? Don't kill him now. I want to talk to him. You can't get into the house.

12 - What does she look like? ( another link )

12 . What does she look like?

    • Asking for appearance >> COMPARATIVES

    • What does she look like? She's a tall, thin, dark-haired girl.

    • I'm looking for my daughter. Is she carrying anything? She's carrying a small black bag and a parcel. What's she wearing? Is she wearing a hat? Perhaps she is.

    • Who's that man over there? Which man? The man in the brown suit. The tall thin one. The man with the parcel.

    • TO WEAR CLOTHES & TO CARRY SOMETHING. Is she wearing a green skirt and an orange blouse? She's staying in your hotel. Perhaps she is in the bar. I don't think so. I think so. That's him / her.

    • What does your brother look like? He's got dark hair. He's about six foot tall. He's about 1m 75cm.

    • What colour is his hair? It's fair. She's got long fair hair. He's quite tall. The one in the black coat.

    • COMPARATIVES: longer - taller - younger - older - shorter ... than

    • Follow me to Britain: (BINGO) all the eights - 88 She's taller than Susan. John looks younger. Take TALL, TALL. TALL, TALL makes you taller. How tall is he? Is he about six foot tall?

    • Plan to Kill 02 - 'I want to protect you' - What will you do? Where are you going today? The Tower of London, the Science Museum. Shall we kill Miranda? There's a man with Miranda. I will call you everyday in the morning.

13 - No Smoking ( another link )

13 . No Smoking


    • 'No Smoking'. Excuse me, you can't smoke here. Can I smoke there? I'm afraid not.

    • May I put it here? You can't put it up there. // Yes, of course. Yes, I think so. Certainly.

    • Look at the sign. I don't understand. It's dangerous. Please, don't sit there. Please keep off the grass. You can't sit on the grass. Park-keeper. Can I go up the street?

    • May I take your order? Would you get me another gin and tonic, please? May I have a gin and tonic, too? Shall I bring you the bill, madam?

    • I'm hungry. Let's go to an Italian restaurant. Shall I get you a beer? Shall I get a taxi for you, madam?

    • Will you give me a cup of tea? Shall we go to the cinema tonight? Shall I wear my black dress? Shall I get you another drink? Shall we have ...?

    • I prefer Chinese food. Let's go to a Chinese restaurant. Is there one near here? I'm going.

    • Would you bring me the bill? Jane and Sarah are having a party.

    • Plan to Kill 03 - 'The Museum' - Fool. That one? The State Secretary (Secretary of State) wants to meet Miranda at the palace (Cromwell House) at 3 o'clock. That's the man. That's the one.

14 - It's on the first floor ( another link )

14 . It's on the first floor


    • It's on the first floor / ground floor >>> Difference between Britain and USA.

    • Where's Mr Robinson's office? I'm looking for .... Over there, next to the lift.

    • Take the lift to the fourth floor. It's upstairs / downstairs. Third door on the left.

    • Go along North Street - Turn left down West Street - Take the second turning on the right - It's on the corner

    • Can you tell me the way to ....? It's on the corner next to...

    • How do I get to your house? I'll see you in a few minutes. Turn round.

    • Can you tell me where the nearest post office is? You'll come to a big supermarket.

    • How nice! They're lovely. Ground floor - 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th

    • Plan to Kill 04 - 'It's a trap' The trap

15 - Where's he gone ( another link )

15 . Where's he gone?


    • Where's he gone? He's out. He's gone to lunch. He's at lunch.

    • Is he coming back? He's coming back at two o'clock after lunch.

    • Is it important? Can I take a message for him? He's gone to the theatre.

    • I'm looking for... He's having lunch with some friends. He's outside/inside.

    • He's getting some coffee. Would you call again?

    • Where have you been? I've been to the shops / Majorca / the football match / the hairdresser's

    • I've been out to lunch / on holiday / at work / the office

    • I'm back

    • Plan to Kill 05 - A man of peace - World Peace Conference (International Conference), blank bullet Thank you all for coming

16 - Going away ( another link )

16 . Going away


    • Book your holidays here! May I take one of these? What does it mean?

    • Are you going away on holiday? Are you going to the football match this afternoon? Yes, I hope so.

    • What time are the flights to/for Hamburg? There are flights on week days / at the weekend / in the morning

    • There aren't any flights today. The plane is late. The flight is delayed. Don't worry!

    • I'll be back at nine o'clock / in two hours. I'll be back... I'll come back next ....

    • Did you arrive today? No, we didn't. We arrived yesterday. ARRIVALS / DEPARTURES

    • Our flight was late. We were seven hours late. That's in ten minutes. The train's gone. The flight leaves from ... at ..... / gets to ..... at .... / arrives in ..... at .....

    • It doesn't matter. Let's go and have a drink. He went to a meeting.

    • Follow me to Britain: (British Rail) tickets, fares London main railway stations: Victoria St - King's Cross St. - Paddington St. - Euston St. - Charing Cross St. - Waterloo St. - Liverpool St. Station

17 - Buying things ( another link )

17 . Buying things


    • What's he doing? He's watching television. What's she doing? She's having a bath. She isn't having a shower. What's he eating? He's eating an apple. I think she's having a bath.

    • I'm having a nice holiday. He is at his girlfriend's. She's on holiday.

    • He always watches television in the evening. He is always in on Wednesdays. He never goes out on Wednesday. We always come here.

    • She goes to Brighton every year. We come here every year / every evening.

    • He never goes to the cinema. Does he go to the cinema? No, he doesn't.

    • I'm going to the cinema this evening / at eight o'clock. COFFEE SHOP

    • I'm staying at home this evening.

    • Follow me to Britain: (BINGO) all the eights - 88

    • Plan to Kill 00

18 - Why do you like it? ( another link )

18 . Why do you like it?


    • Why do people like thigs? English people like animals. Some people like dogs.'s she doing? She's having a bath. She isn't having a shower. What's he eating? He's eating an apple. I think she's having a bath.

    • I'm having a nice holiday. He is at his girlfriend's. She's on holiday.

    • He always watches television in the evening. He is always in on Wednesdays. He never goes out on Wednesday. We always come here.

    • She goes to Brighton every year. We come here every year / every evening.

    • He never goes to the cinema. Does he go to the cinema? No, he doesn't.

    • I'm going to the cinema this evening / at eight o'clock. COFFEE SHOP

    • I'm staying at home this evening.

    • Follow me to Britain: (BINGO) all the eights - 88

    • Plan to Kill 00

19 - What do you need? ( another link )

19 . What do you need?

    • NEEDS What....!

    • What do you need? I'm tired, I need a holiday. You look tired. I need my glasses. I'm tired, but I don't need a holiday. I need some sleep. Why are you taking these things away?

    • What shall I get? What would you like for dinner? Would you like fish? I'd like chicken, potatoes, peas and fruit. Fresh / frozen chicken. I'd like that one. Do you want a small one? And I want some frozen peas, too. BARGAIN OF THE DAY

    • No, that's too small. I want a big one. I've got a raincoat. I won't need it.

    • Do you want anything with it, ice and lemmon? What lovely flowers!

    • When will dinner be ready? It will be ready at 10 o'clock.

    • Is there a shop that sells flowers near here?

    • Follow me to Britain: (In hospital) ward, blanket, look after, record card, nurse We always check the medicine when we give it to the patient. There's not much time to sit down. There's always a patient that wants something. It's important to get the patient the right medicine. We help people to get better. I want to go to sleep. As I said before, we're always busy.

20 - I sometimes work late ( another link )

20 . I sometimes work late

    • aquí me quedo

    • What's he doing? He's watching television. What's she doing? She's having a bath. She isn't having a shower. What's he eating? He's eating an apple. I think she's having a bath.

    • I'm having a nice holiday. He is at his girlfriend's. She's on holiday.

    • He always watches television in the evening. He is always in on Wednesdays. He never goes out on Wednesday. We always come here.

    • She goes to Brighton every year. We come here every year / every evening.

    • He never goes to the cinema. Does he go to the cinema? No, he doesn't.

    • I'm going to the cinema this evening / at eight o'clock. COFFEE SHOP

    • I'm staying at home this evening.

    • Follow me to Britain: (BINGO) all the eights - 88

    • Plan to Kill 00