REWRITE exercises

Rewrite these sentences using a different structure buy saying the same (sometimes the beginnings of your sentences are given):

1. My brother had the habit of playing handball when he was at school.

2. Melissa has planned to go to Malaysia next summer.

3. She has already booked her flights for the 2nd June.

4. Astronomers do not write horoscopes. Horoscopes....

5. People say Cervantes was buried in a monastery in Madrid. Cervantes...

6. I tried very hard in the exam, but I didn’t pass. I did...

7. Who normally buys the food in your family? Who does...?

8. I don’t know what you have chosen. I don’t know your...

9. Takeshi got up late, so he was very late for work. If...

10. Ricky said: “I want to buy new plants for my garden”. Ricky said that...

11. The hotel receptionist: “Shall I get you a taxi?”. The hotel receptionist...

12. The customer: “I’m sorry. I have left all my luggage up in my room”. The customer....

13. She invited me to come with her. She: “....”

14. It’s important to go to the film premiere. We...

15. It’s advisable to hire bodyguards. You...

16. It’s necessary to watch people carefully. You...

17. My parents want to hire someone to repair the roof this summer. My parents are...

18. It’s not safe to go out on your own at night. You...

19. It is not necessary to leave yet. The limousine hasn’t arrived yet. You...

20. Perhaps I’ll go to Los Angeles this summer. I.....

21. It’s impossible that John is at the concert because he said he wasn’t going. John...

22. I’m certain Ben is at school now. Ben...

23. The hot dog was huge. It’s impossible he ate it all. He....

24. I had a feeling of fright when I saw the bear in the middle of the forest. I ...

25. He managed to get to the summit in less than five hours. He was...

26. What time is it? I don't know....

27. We arranged to fly from Malaga airport on 25th December. We....

EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the following sentences so that they do not change the meaning of the original sentences.

1. I can't come because I have to look after my neighbour's children.

- If I .............................................................................................................................................................................

2."I wouldn't go swimming on a day like this, if I were you , Tom" -

Brian advised............................................................................................................................................................

3. I haven't been to the dentist for two years.

- It is ............................................................................................................................................................................

4. People say that he has been all over the world.

- He is ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5. I have to write letters , but I hate it.

- I hate...........................................................................................................................................................................

6.We went out in spite of the heavy rain.

- Although ....................................................................................................................................................................

7. It's nearly twenty years since my father saw his brother.

- My father.................................................................................................................................................................... 8."You stole the money, Joe, didn't you!" said the inspector.

- The inspector accused............................................................................................................................................... 9.Although I admire Shakespeare's comedies, I cannot agree that they are any superior to his tragedies.

-In spite of.....................................................................................................................................................................

10.He gave me a lift to the station and I didn’t miss the train.

- If.................................................................................................................................................................................

11.When was America first discovered, Peter?" Mary asked.

- Mary asked................................................................................................................................................................

12.If he doesn't start work right away, he 'll never finish it.

- Unless...................................................................................................................................................................... .

13.The last time I played tennis was in 1990.

-I haven't..................................................................................................................................................................... .

14. “Have you seen my brother recently?” he asked me..

- He asked me ............................................................................................................................................................. .

15.“Could you wait in the reception, please?” she asked me.

- She asked me .......................................................................................................................................................... .

16. Terry will get over his illness. Then his work will be improved.

-Once.......................................................................................................................................................................... .

17.There will be someone to meet you on arrival.

- When ....................................................................................................................................................................... . 18. She read this letter and burst into tears.

-As soon as.................................................................................................................................................................. .

19.I didn’t know about John’s departure.

- I didn’t know when ................................................................................................................................................. .

20.When you phone me, it was my lunch time.

-When you phoned me, I............................................................................................................................................ .

21. I started working for the company three years ago and now I’m still working here.

- I’ve ......................................................................................................................................................................... . 22.David went home before we arrived.

-When we.................................................................................................................................................................. .

23.I’ve only recently started wearing glasses. -I didn’t …………………………………………………………………................................................................. .

24.I haven’t been to the cinema for two years.

-The last time ………………………………………………………………............................................................. . 25.How long have Helen and Robert been married?

-When …………………………………………………………………................................................................... .

26.My responsibility is to take out the garbage every day.

- I am ........................................................................................................................................................................ .

27.The misunderstanding was my fault., so I apologize.

- I apologized .............................................................................................................................................................. 28.She won the tournament, so I congratulated her. .

-I congratulated her .....................................................................................................................................................

EXERCISE 2: Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.

1. While I ( try) _________ to get my car started, a passing car (stop) _________ and the driver (offer) _________ to help.

2. The police (pay) _________ no attention to Clare’s complaint because she (phone) _________ them so many times before.

3. Mary (not wear) _________ her glasses at that time, so she (not notice) _________ what kind of car the man (drive) _________.

4. Tony (admit) _________ that he (hit) _________ the other car, but said that he (not damage) _________it.

5. Helen (feel) _________ tired, and while she (learn) _________ the lessons, she (fall) _________ asleep.

6. Before that sport event at the Olympic Games 2004, no-one (hear) _________ of him.

7. Someone (eat) _________ all the cakes. I’ll have to buy some more.

8. My throat is really sore. I (sing) _________ all evening.

9. George (not be ) _________ back until six. Can you take a message?

10. By the time we reach home, the rain ( stop) _________.

EXERCISE 3: Write the correct form of word given in each sentence.

1. Nowadays there is a _________ of kinds of families and living conditions besides the traditional ones. (DIVERSE)

2. My younger brother is very _________. He is willing to do what I ask. (OBEY)

3. It’s my _________ to look after my parents when they are old. (RESPONSIBLE )

4. Their _________ towards me shows that they love me a lot. (BEHAVE)

5. We will meet each other at the _________ room of Green Hotel. (RECEIVE)

6. They always value the close tie in human _________ shown in the villagers’ ways of living. (RELATED)

7. Their change of the plan is strange but I don’t think it’s _________. (SIGNIFY)

8. Being deaf and dumb makes _________ very difficult. (COMMUNICATE)

9. Telephone is one of the _________ means of communication. (MARVEL)

10. My father had a telephone _________ in his car. (INSTALL)

11. They have just had a(n) _________ with the manager about his decision. (ARGUE)

12. Ten minutes is a _________ length of time for a call. (REASON)

13. Find a job and end _________ on your parents. (DEPEND)

14. Ten of the _________ failed in that examination. (EXAMINE)

15. We received more than 100 _________ for this vacancy. (APPLY)

16. Our life is better and better thanks to the _________ science and technology. (ADVANCE)

17. No student in our class gets _________ treatment from our form teacher. (PREFER)

18. Try not to be too _________ when you are not offered this job. (DISAPPOINT)

19. To persuade the interviewer you should ask your professor for a letter of _________. (RECOMMEND)

20. Vietnam is one of the _________ countries in the world. (AGRICULTURE)

21. There is no _________ of water in this region now. (SHORT)

22. Inventing the first generator was one of Faraday’s _________. (ACHIEVE)

23. Illiteracy has been _________ in most of the mountainous areas in Vietnam. (ELIMINATE)

24. _________ reforms must be carried out constantly in our country. (ECONOMY)

25. Our government has encouraged foreign and domestic private _________. (INVEST)

Exercise 4. Finish the second sentence without changing the meaning.

1. 'Is John having a party on Friday?' he asked. He asked......

2. 'Why didn't you make an appointment earlier?' the doctor asked. The doctor asked her.......

3. Do they allow you to smoke in British cinemas? Is.......................................?

4. 'I have made a mistake,' he said. He admitted.......

5. Please don't play your music so loudly. Would you mind.............?

6. Alcohol is bad for you and so are cigarettes. Neither..............................

7. 'How many times have you been to Spain?' they asked me. They asked me...............

8. I'm going to take the car this evening, all right? You don't mind if.......................................?

9. Do you mind if I open this window? Would it be....................................?

10. 'Please bring me another cup of coffee,' I said to the waiter. I asked............

Other REWRITE exercises.