Interesting new section in my site >>>> The war against GRAMMAR


1. Talking about PAST HABITS using USED TO or WOULD.

2. I’d better go... (sería mejor que me fuera)

3. Not only did Mary change her life, but she’s also changing the lives....

4. Neither...nor.... >>> He neither wanted to study nor to work.

5. We will be visiting Dublin at Easter. >>> Future continuous for formal arrangements.

6. Cleft sentences >>>> What is a cleft sentence? 1 2 3 Exercises to do: 1 2 3

1. TENSES. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb:

1. I (work) ..... for this company for a long time and I'm still in the same post. I (be, never) ..... promoted.

2. Jack and Mary (go out) .... with each other for six years, but then they (break up) ..........

3. My car (go) .... well ever since I (buy) ...... it and (break down, never) ....... . Not once!

4. I (live) .... in La Caleta since 1975 and still don't want to move.

5. Orson Welles, the great actor and director who (be) .... born in 1915 and (die) ...... in 1985.

6. How long (you, have) ..... your present job?

7. How long (you have) ...... the job before that?

8. World War II (begin) .... in 1939 and (last) ...... for six terrible years.

9. The so-called 'Cold War' (begin) .... when World War II (end) ..... and (go on) .... ever since.

10. "(you ever be) .... to Brazil?" "Yes, I (go) .... there in 2002." "Oh! (you like) .... it?" "Yes, I (do) .... . I (like) ....