Study trip to the British-Irish Isles

Summary report on the answers given to the feedback form by our students and their families.

Click on FEEDBACK FORM about our study trip to fill it in and on REPORT to read the report your teachers Mª Luisa and Alberto have written about our experience: Study trip to the British-Irish Isles : EDINBURGH 2017.

Stay alert for the clues and keep tracking...

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Resto a pagar antes del 15 de febrero:

255€ + 196€ (vuelo) = 451€

Opcional: maleta de 15 kg. (72€ - ida y vuelta). A abonar con el importe anterior.

Posible actividad a realizar que me recomiendan en la agencia >>>> Dean Village , en la misma página hablan de otros posibles sitios a visitar.

HAM LEGS' RAFFLE ;-))))) Numbers ending in 46 will get their tastiest ham leg from Pórtugos!!!!

You can check it here: ONCE

Click here to see all the photos we make during our VI Study trip to the British-Irish Isles - Edinburgh 2017

First clue >>>> Have a look at the information about EDINBURGH 2017 below and in my blog. Then, if you are interested, fill in this form as soon as you can because we need to do everything very quickly to buy our flights cheaper. You must also bear in mind that if you fill in the form and you don't want to participate later, it is no problem as we will really know if we are going when you make the first payment and that will be in October.

Our sixth experience?????

VI STUDY TRIP TO THE BRITISH-IRISH ISLES: Edinburgh 2017 (IES Mediterráneo, Salobreña)

By the way, those of you who are interested to go on your own, let me know. I have been told that you will have to pay 30€ extra.

Stay alert for the clues and keep tracking...

VI STUDY TRIP TO THE BRITISH-IRISH ISLES: Edinburgh 2017 (IES Mediterráneo, Salobreña)


(Dublin 2016, Chester 2015, Bath 2014, Cambridge 2013 & Edinburgh 2012)

Click on FEEDBACK FORM about our study trip to fill it in and on REPORT to read the report your teachers Mª Ángeles and Alberto have written about our experience: STUDY TRIP TO UK : DUBLIN 2016. Then have a look at this post in my blog to see our PROPOSAL for our VI Study trip to the British Isles (2017)


Weather forecast for Dublin next14 days.

V Study Trip to the British Isles to Dublin (Easter 2016).

Here you've got a link to see last year's weather in Dublin: Around 11ºC during the day.

Our trip to Galway and Connemara (all the details are in this entry and even the actual tour we will be doing)

15-kg suitcases to check in: 25€ return for those students who are under 16 and 50€ for those over 16

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Activities proposed to do during our stay in Dublin:

We'll talk about it in our next meeting

ÚLTIMAS NOTICIAS (18/01/2016) >>> La Agencia me informa que no se pague la facturación de maletas todavía porque Ryanair no tiene precios fijos y en otros vuelos que ellos tienen están cobrando cada maleta facturada de una manera, inclusive con precios diferentes a la ida y a la vuelta.


De cara a la reunión del lunes, me gustaría concretar lo siguiente (y que se lo comentaran a sus padres):

1.- Recuerdenles a sus padres los 3 sitios donde pueden ver información del viaje y donde pueden ver las fotos, esto es: site- study trip to the British Isles, blog- Study trip to the British Isles y en español Viaje de estudios-Información para padres.

2.- El vuelo se queda finalmente en 249€ por alumno.

3.- Si se quiere facturar maleta, el alumno pagará adicionalmente 40€ por maleta de 15kg ida y vuelta, o 60€ por maleta de 20kg.

4. Con lo cual para finales de mes se debe haber hecho el ingreso del 2º pago, que sería (155€ de lo queda por pagar del curso + 249€ del vuelo, es decir: 404€) + la facturación de la maleta de los alumnos que la quieran...

Por cierto, hay que tener en cuenta que en el precio del curso va incluida la excursión a Galway (25€).

5.- Por último, quedaría el autobús, que estamos negociando y que va aparte de la agencia. Si nos mantienen el precio de otros años, sería unos14€ y pico incluido la ida como la vuelta. De todas formas, estamos preguntando por si hubiera otra compañía que nos saliera más económica, pero me extraña.

6.- Como apunte final, recuerdo que le digan a sus padres que si tienen cualquier tipo de duda que se pongan en contacto conmigo bien por correo electrónico o bien concertando una cita.


Por cierto, los alumnos pendientes de entregarme el DNI renovado o el pasaporte, haganlo lo antes posible.


Equipaje de mano >> Cada pasajero puede subir a bordo una maleta de mano cuyo peso no sobrepase los 10 kg, con unas dimensiones máximas de 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm, y 1 bolsa pequeña no mayor de 35 x 20 x 20 cm*.

Facturar maletas:

Con respecto a la facturación de maletas, el precio varía dependiendo del peso. La de 15 kg. ahora mismo estaría en 40€ ida y vuelta; y la de 20 kg. en 60€ ida y vuelta. Se supone que ése es el precio, esperemos que no suba conforme se llene el avión!!!

HAM LEGS' RAFFLE >>>> Numbers ending in 21 will get their tastiest ham leg from Pórtugos!!!!

You can check it here: ONCE

All the information about the flight:

IDA: Vuelo 7045 de Ryanair 14 mar. Málaga T2 AGP 12:10 Dublín T1 DUB 14:25

VUELTA: Vuelo 7054 de Ryanair 20 mar. Dublín T1 DUB 18:30 Málaga T2 AGP 22:30

5th meeting on Monday, 19th October in the Language Department.

Aspects to talk about:

    • Information to parents

    • Forms to hand in

    • Identity card, passport, health card and police permission

    • Hand luggage to check in

Condiciones equipaje de mano con Ryanair

La letra pequeña | Términos y condiciones

Leas los términos y condiciones de transporte de Ryanair.

Vista previa por Yahoo

Fourth meeting on Tuesday, 13th October in the Language Department.

Aspects to talk about:

    • Dates and cost of the trip

    • Forms to fill in

    • First payment to do

V Study Trip to the British Isles to Dublin (Easter 2016).


Esperanza, Patricia, Mª José, Irene, Alberto Pineda, Alba, Mª José, Lucía, Álvaro Ruíz, María, Lucía Pérez, Lucía Torres, Lara, Nicolás, Beatriz, Joaquín, Juan, Gonzalo, Helena, Mª Carmen, Estela, Natalie, Valeria, Miguel Ángel Glez., Sara, Alex, Andrea, Laura, Miguel Ángel Rguez., Francisco, Julia, Javier Gallardo, J. Gonzalo Almendros, Alberto & Guille.


And remember: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!! because Albert and J. Luis will always be there.

Third meeting on Monday, 5th October in the Language Department.


Have a look at the information about DUBLIN 2016 below and in my blog. Then, if you are interested, fill in this form as soon as you can because we need to do everything very quickly to buy our flights cheaper. By the way, those of you who are interested to go on your own, let me know. I have been told that you will have to pay 30€ extra.

Third meeting on Monday, 5th October in the Language Department.

Second meeting on Monday, 28th September in the Language Department.


First meeting on Monday, 21st September in the Language Department.

Have a look at the information about DUBLIN 2016 below and in my blog. Then, if you are interested, fill in this form as soon as you can because we need to do everything very quickly to buy our flights cheaper. By the way, those of you who are interested to go on your own, let me know. I have been told that you will have to pay 30€ extra.

I will shortly give you further information about the trip.

Important meeting at the language department to talk about our V Study Trip to the British Isles to Dublin (Easter 2016).

Discovering Dublin (Our Philosophy teacher's hint)

After our success with our IV Study trip to UK: Chester, we are already thinking about next year.

Dublin is the option we have in mind and that most students voted for.

Let's see the advantages and disadvantages:

>>> DUBLIN (2014-2015 example of one group that went this year).

If we do it, they will not increase the price of trip, that is, 530€. Therefore, this would be the fifth consecutive year that the total cost of the trip (school + flight + activities + coach to Málaga) is not more expensive than 800€!!!!

+ You pay in Euros, so we don't have to change.

+ The cost of the trip is fair enough.

+ Nice small city (Tourist information about the city). I have been there several times and I can assure you it is a wonderful city.

+ Possibility to visit the harbour of Howth, the harbour of Dún Laoghaire, Galway or Cork.

+ We have never been there, so students who have participated in our previous experiences could still go.

+ Its music (one example)

+ Host families are usually concentrated in an area of the city.

+ The weather may be a bit better than in Edinburgh, but you still have got the four seasons in one day, that is, you can have sun, rain, wind, cold.... on the same day.

- The flight is around 230€ (that was the cost of the flight this year of the group that went)

- We don't know about the school, but it is in the centre of Dublin.

- Possibility of visiting one of the most famous pubs in Dublin: Temple Bar.

- Unique opportunity: on 17th Marh they celebrate St Patrick's Day (the greatest Irish festivity)

- One-day guided trip to Galway for just 25€ per person.


(Chester 2015, Bath 2014, Cambridge 2013 & Edinburgh 2012)

Click on FORM about our study trip to fill it in and on REPORT to read the report your teachers J. Luis y Alberto have written about our experience: STUDY TRIP TO UK : CHESTER 2015

City of Liverpool 1 2

Conwy video (another video)

Caernafon castle (playlist)

Everyday you will write down expressions or vocabulary learned that day.

Sunday.- Our flight & first impressions about the family. What is our host family like? What is our room & house like?

Monday.- First experiences with school, public transport and the orientation tour around Chester.

Tuesday.- What are the classes like? Write about the school, the teachers and the entry test. Write about the city of Chester and shopping.

Wednesday.- Write about your routines, meals at home and packed lunch at the school. Write about the weather we are having.

Thursday.- Your free time in Bath & your experience of the classes at the school. Did you like the cathedral? Write about other places visited in Chester.

Friday.- Write about our first outing to Liverpool and the accent of the people (write about the city and places visited).


From Sunday, 22nd March to Sunday, 29th March

Saturday.- Write about our second outing to the North of Wales (Caernafon & Conwy). With regard to Chester and England in general, what are the main differences you found in Wales. And if you went to Cardiff last year, could you appreciate any differences with the north of Wales. Sunday.- Shopping: what have you bought and how much have you spent? What can you tell me about Manchester? Did you like Chester? Our flight & journey back home. Best memories. Any souvenirs bought? Would you go back to Chester? Would you repeat the experience?

Here's the updated plan of activities proposed for our stay in Chester.

Weather forecast for Chester next 14 days.

Weather in Chester in March, 2015

Here you've got a link to see last year's weather in Chester: Around 10ºC


First meeting on Wednesday, 24th September in the Language Department.

Have a look at the information about CHESTER 2015 in the link below and if you are interested, fill in this form as soon as you can because we need to do everything very quickly to buy our flights cheaper. By the way, those of you who are interested to go on your own, let me know. I have been told that you will have to pay 30€ extra.

By the way, the school we will probably be going to is: ENGLISH IN CHESTER and some initial information about the possible IV STUDY TRIP TO UK: CHESTER 2015.



Pinchar en FORMULARIO sobre el viaje para rellenarlo y en INFORME para leer el informe de los profesores J. Luis y Alberto sobre la experiencia: VIAJE DE ESTUDIOS A BATH 2014

What do I have in mind when organizing this kind of experiences for my students??? Read this quote and you'll understand.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." by Albert Einstein




IMPORTANT>>>>> We already have the flight tickets and dates:

Tuesday, 8th April from Malaga airport to Bristol: departure time 10.30 a.m

Mondauy, 14th April from Bristol to Malaga: departure time 19.40 p.m

The price of the flight tickets is 145 € without checking in any baggage (just hand baggage)

BAGGAGE: normas equipaje con EASYJET (medidas del equipaje de mano que se puede subir al avión: 56x45x25 cm

GOOD NEWS ABOUT OUR TRIP TO BATH, the latest price they have given us is 20€ cheaper than the information I received in June (the transfers from/to the airport in the UK are included). Have a look at it and if you are interested, fill in this form as soon as you can because we need to do everything very quickly to buy our flights cheaper. By the way, those of you who are interested to go on your own, let me know. I have been told that you will have to pay 30€ extra.

LET'S TAKE A BATH!!!! Already working on our study trip for next school year (2013-2014). Have a look at the proposal they make.



Pinchar en FORMULARIO para rellenarlo y en INFORME para leer el informe de los profesores J. Luis y Alberto sobre la experiencia: VIAJE DE ESTUDIOS A CAMBRIDGE 2013


Hi: 8 °C

Lo: 2 °C


Hi: 7 °C

Lo: 1 °C


Hi: 7 °C

Lo: 0 °C


Hi: 9 °C

Lo: 2 °C


English House Host List >>> these are the families the students are going to stay at.

Ver Cambridge 2013 en un mapa más grande

Here we are again and so far with year we have been offered 5 proposals (you've got all the information in the attached files). This is my personal piece of advice. On Wednesday during the break at the language department we will have a meeting with all the students interested.

    • CAMBRIDGE >>> 600€ course + 200€ flight tickets (more or less) + 20€ (bus) = 820€ (it includes trip to London = train to London and day ticket in London)

    • BRIGHTON >>> 500€ course + 200€ flight tickets (more or less) + 20€ (bus) = 720€ (touristic town with not much too see and we would have to organize something for the weekend)

    • CARDIFF >>>> 550€ curso + 200€ flight tickets (more or less) + 20€ (bus) = 750€ (similar to Edinburgh)

    • BRISTOL >>>> 575€ curso + 200€ flight tickets (more or less) + 20€ (bus) = 750€ (many free activities proposed, the only problem I see is that Bristol is a huge city)

    • OXFORD >>> 595€ course + 200€ flight tickets (more or less) + 20€ (bus) = 815€

So if you are still interested, fill in this form because I need to make a survey to see how many students would go.


Pinchar en FORMULARIO para rellenarlo y en INFORME para leer el informe de los profesores J. Luis y Alberto sobre la experiencia: VIAJE DE ESTUDIOS A EDIMBURGO 2012

Here I will put all the information about our study trip to UK, probably this year to Edinburgh.

Here you've got a nice false friend to remember.


You can also visit José Luis' website, where he is inserting all the activities organized at our school.

Baggage meeting

The travel agency said that every passenger has the right to carry 10 kg as hand luggage with these measures: 55x40x20 cm. The baggage that you check in mustn't exceed 15kg of weight and you will have to pay 30€ per piece of baggage.

Read this document for further details about your luggage.


Possible dates:

One week from Wednesday/Thursday (28th/29th March) to Wednesday/Thursday (4th/5th April)

Students who can go:

Those students who work regularly and have a good attitude in the English class, and who are willing to work just a bit during our stay in Scotland. Albert will decide which students can go.

Have a look at the leaflet and see details about classes, accommodation, etc. I think we could go on the trip to the Stirling Castle and Loch Lomond at the weekend (42€).

So if you are still interested, fill in this form because I need to make a survey to see how many students would go.


Everyday you will have to write about what you have done at school and in the afternoon.

You’ll finish about any problems at home and about what things were like at home (food, host family…). Here's an example (it is in the attachments).

Today, 24th October, I have been talking with someone from English House and they have sent me these three leaflets:

- Trip to Edinburgh (just the visit and staying at a youth hostel)

- Study trip to Endinburgh (classes, accomodation with a Scottish family in couples & possibility of a trip)

Albert's personal opinion >>>>>>>>>

The one I would do would be this last option because, as you can see there is almost not much difference in the price you have to pay. Think about it.
