Writing exercises

School year 2023-2024

Writing exercises to do during the School year

First Term

Getting started  >>>> 

Unit 1  >>>> 

Unit 2  >>>> 


Second Term

Unit 3  >>>> 

Unit 4  >>>> 

Unit 5  >>>> 

Unit 6  >>>> 

Paragraph 1- General predictions (Real Conditionals) using the Future Simple with WILL

Paragraph 2- Plans and decisions using the GOING TO future.

Paragraph 3- Arrangements using the Present Continuous

Paragraph 4- Dreams and Advice using the Hypothetical Condtionals (Type 2) > aquí pondrán el comentario corregido.

En el writing exercise se incluirán (página 80 del libro de texto):

>> Expressions of result: , so  // . For this reason, ... //   . As a result, ...

>> Expressions of opinion: In my opinion, / I think...

>> different from / the same as / similar to

Unit 7  >>>> 

School year 2020-2021

Writing exercises to do during the School year

Third Term

Unit 6  >>>> 

Second Term

Unit 3  >>>> 

Unit 4  >>>> 

Unit 5  >>>> 

First Term

Getting started  >>>> 

Unit 1  >>>> 

Unit 2  >>>> 

Previous years

Writing exercises to do during the School year 2017-2018:

First Term

Unit 1  >>>> 

Unit 2  >>>> 

Second Term

Unit 3  >>>> 

Unit 4  >>>> 

Unit 5  >>>> 

Third Term

Unit 5  >>>> 

Unit 6  >>>> 

Unit 7  >>>> 

School year 2015-2016:

Unit 2  >>>  Letters: Hi, Nerea by Alexia,


Unit 8: My plans by Alex (2º ESO B)

Unit 7: My top tips by Alex (2º ESO B), Mª José (2º ESO A), Carmen Trujillo (2º ESO A)

Giving instructions > dialogue by Alex (2º ESO B)

REVIEW B.- Nicol's life by Margarita (2º ESO A)

UNIT 6.- My favourite TV programme by Carmen, María José & María (2º ESO A) , by Alex (2º ESO B) , by Andrea Gutiérrez (2º ESO B), Paola Ruíz (2º ESO A), Alba Arenas (2º ESO A), Paola Quirós (2º ESO B)

Unit 5. Dialogues by María Béjar (2º ESO A)

>>>  4 Family history projects by 2º ESO A students  + Carmen Trujillo's family history project 

>>> Horror story by Margarita (2º ESO A)


Things to include in your writing exercise:   

Here are some of the best writing exercises done by our students in 2º ESO:


- Salobreña & Bath by Alberto Pineda (2º ESO B)

Cities by Mª José García & María Béjar

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