Relative Clauses (2º Bach)


A. Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. Make changes if necessary.

1. Lindsay is the eldest child. She has to look after the other children.

2. The King lived for a long time. He had a whisky everyday.

3. He was reading a book. Its characters were zombies.

4. Nowadays new kinds of sport attract more and more people. They seldom appear on television.

5. John Bloom died recently. His novel “The French Affair” was made into a beautiful film.

6. He used a sexist word. Its meaning was pejorative for women.

7. He received an e-mail. Its content was spam.

8. That man talks a lot. He has more chances to become a politician.

9. Michael has been attending Italian lessons. His family moved to Rome five years ago.

10. Clark Kent worked for a newspaper. The newspaper was called ‘The Daily Planet’.

11. Johnny Depp is starring in Finding Neverland. His portrait of Captain Sparrow is superb.

12. I could not move my car. It had no petrol.

13. Nikki sells cinema tickets. She is against the ban.

14. Occidental observers are against the veiling of women in Arabia. The veiling is an example of sexual segregation.

15. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime. His works are worth millions.

16. Lots of tourists visit that old building every year. It is one of the major attractions in London.

17. John has given up smoking. He was a heavy smoker.

18. The man fell off his bike and was taken to hospital. His sister is the new student from Liverpool.

19. Jane Halifax is the president of the committee. She does not support the proposal.

20. A dog was sent into space in 1957. Its name was Laika.

21. This is the computer. I bought it last month.

22. MTV reaches millions of households. Its influence is growing rapidly.

23. Is this the place? Do they sell disks for the CD Rom here?

24.. The boy is very satisfied. I sold a video game to that boy last week.

25. This is the computer game. Everyone is talking about it.

26. Elisabeth is a prestigious writer. Thomas invited Elisabeth to his premiere.

27. Those books are no longer published in England. I have been waiting for those books three months. (REWRITE THIS SENTENCE)

28. Mars is expecting visitors in the short term. Businessmen are investing their money in Mars. (WHAT IS THE NOUN THAT COMES FROM THE VERB TO INVEST? TELL ME ANOTHER WAY TO SAY IN THE SHORT TERM)

29. We interviewed that young man last week. They hired that young man.

30. The actor was a criminal. The police was looking for the actor.

B. Insert the second sentences into the first ones by means of a relative clause.

1. The girl was from Germany. He was dancing with her.

2. The student cooked a young goat for all of us. Albert also taught his brother English long ago.

3. There weren’t any supermarkets in the town. The boy was from there.

4. Mr Obama is the current President of the United States. Mr Zapatero met him last April.

5. My brother met a lot of people when he visited New Zealand. Only two of them had been to Europe.

6. That’s the bar. I last saw your parents there.

7. The child is terribly spoilt. My sister looked after a child last Saturday.

8. Michael Phelps has won many Olympic medals. Eight of them were in Beijing.

9. Salobreña Hotel has a splendid view of the sea. We stayed at this hotel for two weeks.

10. We must finish the Selectivity exam in less than an hour. This is not easy.

11. We missed the bus. We usually take this bus to go to Motril. And I had to travel on the next. This one went to the harbour first.

12. The old man worked as a sailor in a fishing boat. I was talking to him.

13. Thank you very much for the delicious cake. You made it for my birthday.

14. The philosophy teacher came to class in patched jeans. This surprised the students. Some of them had been told off when they didn’t wear proper clothes.

15. The person was very nice with me. I worked for him last summer.

16. The horse stopped to drink water in the river. My father was on the horse. This annoyed the rest of the cowboys because they didn’t have much time left to get to the stables.

17. I don’t know the place. I put my purse there.

18. I’m going to tell you the story of a woman. Her husband died in Germany during the Second World War.

19. He flew across the English Channel. This had been done many times before.

20. Rafael Nadal has been given a trophy for being ATP number one. He won Roland Garros for the fifth time last year.