Here are some exercises from old exams for you to do.


1. Read the text. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.

My best friend (by Bea, 15)

My best friend’s name is Paul. He is fifteen years old and he lives in my street. He doesn’t go to my school – he’s a student at Lakeside Comprehensive. Paul hasn’t got any brothers or sisters, but he’s got a lot of friends.

What’s Paul like? Well, he’s tall and he’s got brown hair and green eyes. He’s interested in music, and fashion. He usually wears jeans, but today he’s wearing a tracksuit and trainers because he plays football on Mondays.

Paul and I sometimes go to the Internet café after school. We play computer games and visit chat rooms. At the weekend, we go to the sports centre. We usually play basketball or volleyball.

Paul likes rock music, and he can play the guitar. But he can’t sing – it’s terrible when he tries! He sometimes gives me CDs – he’s very generous. At the moment we’re listening to Keane. We’re at my house, and Paul is helping me with my English homework!

1. Which school does Paul go to?

2. What colour hair has Paul got?

3. What is Paul wearing today?

4. Where do Paul and Bea sometimes go after school?

5. Which instrument can Paul play?

1.1 Have a look at the second paragraph and write a description of yourself.

2. Complete the sentences using the PRESENT SIMPLE form of the verbs in brackets (do, go, like, listen, play). Then transform them into the negative (-) or the interrogative form (?).

1. They __________________ collecting things. (-) ___________________________

2. Jane ___________________ to music in the bus.

(?) ___________________________________________

3. My mother and I _________________ shopping on Saturdays.

(?) __________________________________________

4. My brother ______________ martial arts. (-) _____________

5. I _______________ computer games. (-) _______________

3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

1. My parents (not work) __________________ on Sundays.

2. I (not meet) ___________________ my friends this evening.

3. (your best friend, live) _________________________ near you?

4. James (like) ____________________ dancing.

5. I (never, play) ___________________ tennis in winter.

4. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. Tom isn’t playing basketball on Tuesdays. ___________________

2. Do your teacher give you homework? _____________________

3. They go often to Barcelona. __________________________

5. Look at the clues given and write sentences about what Albert is doing next week.

(Monday and Thursday, play tennis) _______________________

(Friday, go to the park with his children) _____________________

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs TO BE & TO HAVE (in the aff., neg or interrog. forms).

1. _________ you got any brothers or sisters? No, I ______________ got any brothers or sisters.

2. Where __________ Jane from? I don’t know, but her parents ___________ from Portugal.

7. Write the words in the correct order.

1. are - subjects – your - what – favourite ? ............................................................

2. school? - go - do - often - to - How - you ..........................................................

8. Match the hobbies and interests in the box with the definitions:

Chess , fashion , computer games , martial arts , photography , drawing , collecting things

__________________ You need a camera for this hobby.

__________________ This is a board game for two people.

__________________ This can include things like stamps, stickers and pictures.

__________________ This is related to clothes.

9. Complete the words with –ation or ity, and then complete the sentences with some of the words.

inform__________, equal___________, invit__________, commun_________,

univers__________, educ__________, convers_________, electric_________

1. What’s your brother studying at ____________________.

2. Could you give some ______________________ about hotels in this town, please?

3. Does this cooker work with gas or ______________________?

10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. No solemos ver la televisión por la mañana. __________________

2. Me encanta salir los sábados con mis amigos. _________________

3. (Mirando su agenda) El jueves visito al dentista a las 8.35.


4. ¿Con qué frecuencia llueve aquí? A veces. ___________________

5. A menudo llevo puestos vaqueros en casa. ___________________

6. Mi hermana casi nunca compra el periódico para mi padre.



11. Answer the following questions.

1. What time do you usually have breakfast?_________________

2. What do you usually do on Sundays? ____________________

3. Where do you usually buy bread? _____________________

4. What colour is your hair? ____________________________

12. Make questions with WHOSE and answer with the POSSESSIVES ADJECTIVES AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS :

1. ______ book _________ ? (you) It's __________ book. ____

2. ______ pencils ______________ ? (he) ______________. ______________________

3. ______ omelette _____________ ? (we) ______________. ______________________

4. ______ spoons _______________ ? (I) ______________. _______________________

5) ______ cars _________________ ? (they) _____________. ____________________

13. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions :

1. I'm thinking ______ you.

2. Joe is ______ Tom and Jim.

3. He is listening ______ the radio ______ the beach.

4. Come ______ my house! Come ______ !

5. This postcard is ______ Arthur.

6. Arthur is sitting ______ an armchair ______ Mrs Harrison's kitchen.

14. Make sentences using the words given :

1. SOME ______________________________________

2. THERE ______________________________________

3. ANY ________________________________________

4. HAS _______________________________________

5. JOHN'S ____________________________________

15. Translate into English :

1. El está cansado,tiene frío y es desgraciado. _________________

2. Es lunes por la noche y no está lloviendo. ___________________

3. ¿Está la televisión encendida? No. __________________________________

4. La televisión está apagada porque la señora Harrison no la está viendo. ____________________________

5. ¡No escribas eso! _________________________

6. No hay carne en el plato. ___________________________

7. El agua está templada. ____________________________

8. ¿Tienes agua fría? Sí. ____________________________

9. ¡Entre en el coche y cierre la puerta, por favor! _________________

10. Quizás estén ellos todavía en la escuela. _________________

16. Put the following sentences into the PRESENT CONTINUOUS :

1. I climb the ladder. 2. She sleeps in a bed. 3. We jump over the gate. 4. You get out of the water. 5. He goes into the barrel.

17. Write sentences with the following words :

1. ME 2. HIS 3. HERS 4. THEM 5. MINE 6. US

18. Ask with WHOSE and answer using the POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES & PRONOUNS :

Example: Whose ball is this? It is my ball. It is mine.

1. (HOUSE) ____________ ? (HE) ________ ____________

2. (BAGS) _____________ ? (THEY) ________ _________

3. (CARS) ___________ ? (I) ____________ _________

4. (PHOTO) ________ ? (MARY) ________ ________

19. Describe your bedroom in five sentences using THERE IS/ARE :

20. Ask for the time and then answer :

_________________________ ? (7.25) , (20.00) , (10.45) , (16.30)


21. Tell me three things you CAN do and three things you MUSTN'T do:

22. Translate the following sentences into English :

1. Arturo está escuchando la radio,así que está encendida. 2. ¡No leas ese libro!

3. Es miércoles por la mañana y estoy poniendo los libros en mi cartera.

4. ¿Qué le está enseñando María a Arturo? Ella le está enseñando su nuevo vestido.

5. Enviásela (= la carta) a tu madre. 6. Yo debo llevar puestos mis pantalones en el colegio.

7. No debes quedarte aquí. 8. Tengo dolor de cabeza y no puedo salir de casa.

9. Sé hablar inglés,pero no lo sé escribir. 10. Estoy terminando mi examen a las 9.55 .

23. QUANTITY. Complete the questions and translate the answers :

1. ________________ books _______________ on the shelf? No hay demasiados libros, sólo unos pocos.

2. ___________ cheese ________________ in the fridge? Solo hay un poco, pero es suficente para nosotros.

3. ________________ cars ____________________ ? No hay muchos coches en el garaje. Hay muy pocos.

4. __________ milk ________________ ? No hay mucha leche en la botella, pero hay suficiente zumo de naranja.

24. Fill in the blanks with SOME & ANY :

1. She has _______ fine flowers in her garden. 2. There is ______ cake on the plate, but there aren't ______ sweets.

3. Have you got ________ money? Yes, I've got £5.

25. Fill in the gaps with prepositions :

1. My office is ________ the second floor ________ the lift. 2. My parents live ________ Natalio Rivas Street.

3. When do you usually come home? _______ about six o'clock.

4. I work _____ 17, Gladstone Ave ______ 9 am_______ 2 pm. 5. I don't go ______ school _____ the afternoon.

26. Describe your sitting‑room by means of some sentences :

27. FREQUENCY ADVERBS. Write sentences using the words given :


28. TIMES. Ask when you do these things and then answer the following questions with the times given :

1. _________________________ go to school ? ________________________________________

2. ___________________________ have lunch ? _______________________________________

29. LANGUAGE IN USE. Write questions for these answers :

1. _______________________________ ? I'm from Spain.

2. _______________________________ ? She's 24 years old.

3. _______________________________ ? I'm sorry. I don't know.

4. _______________________________ ? Next to the post office.

5. _______________________________ ? 9, Malaga Avenue.

30. Put in THE where necessary :

1. "I've got one apple and a piece of chocolate." "I'll have ______ chocolate."

2. I don't like ______ fish.

3. She's got two boys and two girls. ______ two girls are Jane and Betty.

4. ______ girls usually like dolls.


31. Put in the missing words in this dialogue between a shop assistant (A) and a customer (B) in a shop :

A/ Can I ________ you? B/ No,I'm just ____________ .Thanks.

(Some time later)

B/ Excuse me, ________________ this skirt in ________ ?

A/ No,I'm sorry, ____________ , but we've got it in ________ .

B/ Alright. A/ What ________ are you?

B/ 14. A/ Here you are.

B/ Well, _______ doesn't really ________ me,but can I __________ on,please?

A/ I think it looks very nice on you. B/ OK. ____________ is it?

A/ Only £30. B/ I'll take it.

32. Ask for more information :

1. My teacher bought a new car. When _____________ ?

2. My grandmother came to see us last Saturday. ______ grandfather _______ ?

3. She got up at six o'clock. Where ________________________ ?

33. Tell me what you did last Sunday using the following connectors (circle them) :

and / and then / but / in the afternoon / in the evening / until / when

34. Fill in the gaps with prepositions :

1. I never go ______ school ______ Sunday. 2. My sister works ______ the supermarket.

3. The shoes are ______ the table. 4. Listen ______ the recording. 5. My father is ______ bed because he is ill.

35. Put the words in the correct order :

1. blue have small a car we got __ 2. dark has long Jane hair got __

3. TV colour a and chairs green dark two are there living room my in __

36. WRITING A LETTER. Here you've got an unfinished letter.Fill in the gaps first;and then describe yourself and what you will be wearing :

6,Natalio Rivas St.,

Adra 04770,




________ Miss Madonna,

I am coming to New York by airplane

next Saturday, arriving at JFK Airport __________ 5.05 p.m.

Can you ________ me?

I am sorry that I ______________ a photograph,but here's a

description. ___________________________________________________



I will be wearing ______________________________________________


I ________________ to seeing you.

________________ ,


37. Translate the following sentences into English :

1. Todos tenemos el pelo rubio y los ojos azules.

2. Mi hermano se parece mucho a mí, así que ambos tenemos la personalidad de mi madre.

3. Cuando la hermana de Fred está aburrida se va de compras.

4. Ese jersey no le va. ¿Le gustaría probarse éste?

5. En casa él escuchaba música clásica y nunca estudiaba inglés.

6. Mis abuelos nacieron en una casa de madera y murieron hace cinco años.

7. Cuando Biriukov era un niño sus padres siempre eran muy amables con él, pero ahora no.

8. ¿A qué hora viniste anoche? Sobre las 10.30.

9. Quiero muy poca agua, porque tomé demasiada coca‑cola ayer.

10. No hay muchos vasos en el armario.

38. Choose the correct tense and fill in the blanks with the verbs in brackets in appropriate forms or ‑ , SINCE, FOR & AGO :

1. Kate is learning Italian. (How long / How often) (has she learned / did she learn) Italian? She (to learn) ___________________ Italian ......... she (to be) _______ ten years old.

2. (How long / When) (has she started / did she start) learning Italian? I (have told / told) you she (has started / started) learning Italian six years .........

39. TENSES. Choose the correct tense and fill in the blanks with ‑ , SINCE, FOR & AGO :

1. My parents ( haven't seen / didn't see ) me ........ Saturday.

2. My mother (knows / has known) Joe better than I do. I first (have met/ met) him five years ......

3. She ( knows / has known ) her ........ years.

Now complete these sentences with the information given in brackets, and then rewrite them using ago making all the necessary changes.

4. Nobody has written to me (................ many weeks) (............... my birthday)

(ago) ________________________________________

5. You haven't sent me any money. (.................. last Saturday) (................. fifteen days)

(ago) ________________________________________

40. Complete this conversation with SINCE FOR YET STILL ALREADY (...) and write the verbs in brackets in the PRESENT PERFECT form (____):

1. Is she ................. washing her hair ? I think she (not finish) ________.

2. My parents (live) _________ in Germany .......... four years.

3. My teacher (wash) ________ ..................... ______________ his car.

4. We (not study) _________________ English ................. June, but I can ............. remember most of it.

5. (you, finish) ____________ ................. ? No, I'm ................. working.


41. Make sentences in the PRESENT SIMPLE (routines) or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS (actions happening now)with the clues given:

1. How often / your brother / play / basketball ?

2. He / play / basketball / twice a week

3. you / study / English / now ? No, I / not study / English / now.

4. Teenagers / not get up / early / on Sundays.

42. FUTURE TENSES . Correct the following sentences and say which one is used for PREDICTIONS.

1. I think you don't will to win the lottery.

2. Do you going to cook lunch tomorrow?

3. She is meet Robert on Friday.

4. What your brother is going to doing next summer?

43. TENSES. Put the verbs in brackets into the SIMPLE PAST:

Last night, I (go) ______________ to the cinema. I usually go with my friends, but I (decide) _____________ to take my younger sister. We (see) ________________ A Little Princess. I (not know) _________________ before we (go) _______________ that (be) ______________ a really sad story. I (cry)________________ a lot. My younger sister (not cry) ________________ and (think) _________________ I (be) ________________ silly to do it. Why (I, be) ___________________ so stupid ? Why (she, not cry) _____________________________ ? Now she doesn't want to go to the cinema with me again!

44. Write sentences in the PRESENT PERFECT about these people with the clues given:

1. My sister / never / drive / a BMW

2. We / study / French / at school / for 3 years

3. Suker / not score / many goals / this season

4. you / ever / buy / a present for your English teacher ?

45. Fill in the gaps with the comparative forms of superiority or the superlatives of the adjectives in brackets:

1. Mike is (old) .......................... than Pete. In fact he is (old) ............................... of the four.

2. Pete is (slim) .......................... than Mike, but Kate is (slim) .............................. of the four.

3. Kate is (tall) ........................... than Pete and Trig is (short) ............................... of the four.

4. I think Kate is (intelligent) ...................................... than the boys. In fact Pete is (silly) ........................................... of the four.

5. Trig looks (happy) .............................. of the four, but it isn't (happy) ........................ than me.

46. Complete the sentences with these verbs: PLAY GO DO MEET ENTER

1. Do you ______________ table tennis?

2. How often do you ______________ to concerts?

3. Where does he ______________ karate?

4. Are you going to ______________ the competition?

5. Where do you usually ______________ your friends?

47. Write the past and past participle of the following verbs:

1. study ________________ ____________________

2. give ___________________ _____________________

3. come ________________ __________________

4. stop __________________ ___________________

5. be _________________ __________________

48. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. ¿Por qué no cantamos una canción? Preferiría escuchar música

2. ¿Con qué frecuencia jugáis al baloncesto?

3. No hemos leído nunca un libro alemán.

4. A ella no le gusta fumar.

5. ¿Por qué vino Susie a casa temprano?

6. Ellos están escuchando la radio.

49. Ask for more information :

1. My teacher bought a new car. When __________________________?

2. My grandmother came to see us last Saturday. _________ grandfather ____________________ ?

3. She got up at six o'clock. Where ___________________________?

50. Tell me what you did last Sunday using the following connectors(circle them):

and / and then / but / in the afternoon / in the evening / until / when


51. Fill in the gaps with prepositions :

1. I never go ______ school ______ Sunday. 2. My sister works ______ the supermarket.

3. The shoes are ______ the table. 4. Listen ______ the recording.

5. My father is ______ bed because he is ill.

52. Put the words in the correct order :

1. blue have small a car we got 2. dark has long Jane hair got

3.TV colour a and chairs blue dark two are there kitchen my in

53. TENSES. Put the verbs into the Simple Present (+ affirmative; ‑ negative; ? interrogative):

1. When _______________ breakfast ? (he / ? to have)

2. _______________ at 8.00 a.m. (they / + to get up)

3. _______________ on Sunday. (I / ‑ to work)

4. _______________ basketball ? (you / ? to play)

5. _______________ everyday. (students / + to study)

54. Fill in the blanks with : HER / SHE / THEIR / THEM / HIM / THEY / WE / HER

1. They work in Cambridge. ______ address is 156 Milton Road.

2. Where does your mother work? ______ works in Almuñécar. ______ job is very interesting.

3. Mary and Joe are friends. ______ are German.I like ______ , but I don't like ______ .

4. My wife and I are teachers. ______ work in Almeria.

5. Lions are my favourite animals.I like ______ very much.

55. Translate the following sentences into English :

1. Me gustan bastante los coches. 2. Mi madre odia cocinar los domingos.

3. ¿Te gusta la cerveza? No me gusta mucho,pero me encanta la fanta.

4. ¿Cómo vas al instituto? En coche. 5. ¿A qué hora se levanta tu padre? A las ocho y cuarto.

6. ¿Dónde estabas ayer a las diez? Estaba en el instituto.

56. Ask for more information :

1. My teacher bought a new car. What kind __________________________?

2. My grandmother came to see us last Saturday. ___________ your grandfather ____________________, too ?

3. She got up at six o'clock. Why ___________________________?

57. TENSES. Put the verbs in brackets into the SIMPLE PAST and fill in the four gaps with these words: and magazines Friday beautiful

JOE: On _________ I (travel) ........................ by tube to Heathrow airport. I (buy) .................... some ____________ at the airport. I (take) .................... a plane to Edinburgh. On the plane I (have) .................... lunch and (see).................... a film.

MARY: Where (you, stay) ........................................ in Edinburgh?

JOE: I (not stay) ........................ there, I (phone) .................... a friend ____________ we (go) .................... to his flat in a little village not far from Edinburgh.

MARY: (you, visit) ........................................ the castle?

JOE: Yes, of course. It (be).................... really ______________.

58. Fill in the gaps with the comparative forms of superiority of the adjectives in brackets. Then write sentences using the superlative form in the dotted gaps:

1. Russia is (large)___________ than China. ............................................................................................................

2. The Suez Canal is (long) ___________ than the Panama Canal. ...........................................................................

3. Mount Blanc is (high)___________ than Mount Etna. .....................................................................................

4. A snail is (slow) ___________ than a tortoise. ........................................................................................................

5. Betis' supporters are (happy)___________ than Sevilla's supporters this season. ..................................................

6. The Pacific Ocean is (big) ___________ than the Atlantic Ocean. ....................................................................

7. The Parthenon is (old)___________ than the Colisseum. ......................................................................

8. Venus is (near) ___________ the sun than Mars. ..........................................................................

9. Raul plays (good) ___________ than Ronaldo. ........................................................................

10. This class is (noisy) ___________ than 2º Bachillerato. .....................................................................

59. GIVING REASONS. Complete these sentences with suitable words and write the questions:

1. Mary went out __________ a walk. ___________________________________________ ?

2. I'm going to bed __________ I'm tired. ________________________________________ ?

3. He wants a match __________ light his cigarette. _________________________________?

60. LANGUAGE IN USE. Write questions for the following answers:

1. _____________________________ ? A, L, B, E, R, T.

2. ____________________________ ? On 12th April, 1978.

3. ___________________________ ? A letter to my girlfriend.

4. ________________ ? There are 32 students in my class.

5. _____________________________ ? Almost always.

6. ____________________ ? At ten o'clock in front of the cinema.


61. ADJECTIVES OR ADVERBS ? Underline the correct option:

1. My mother is a very ( good / well ) cook, she cooks especially ( good / well ) the Spanish omelette.

2. My brother paints ( beautiful / beautifully ) pictures.

3. Be ( nice / nicely ) with your teacher and he will not get ( angry / angrily ).

4. I'm not a very ( good / well ) student, but I speak English ( good / well ).

5. Why do you always speak so ( loud / loudly ) ?

6. Don't drive ( slow / slowly ) or everybody will laugh at you.

62. Fill in the gaps with INDEFINITE PRONOUNS (pay attention to the clue given at the beginning of each sentence) :

1. (thing) Is there __________ to drink in the fridge? No, I don't think there is __________, but there is __________ in the bottle.

2. (body, one) Yesterday I was alone, __________ came. __________ went to the Betty's party.

3. (where) I'm looking for my socks, but I cannot find them __________. I left them __________ in my bedroom, but now they are not there any more.

63. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. ¿Te gusta hacer el jardín (tarea de la casa)? No, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. 2. ¡Escuchemos la cinta!

3. Todos los sitios son más caros que esta tienda. 4. El miércoles por la mañana vamos a leer un libro nuevo.

5. ¿Con qué frecuencia vas al cine? Dos o tres veces al mes.

6. Yo trabajo duro todo los días, pero este examen es demasiado difícil para mí.

7. ¿Te gusta hacer la limpieza (de la casa)? Sí. 8. ¡Estudiémos inglés! Tenemos que ir de compras esta tarde.

9. ¿Hay algo en el armario? Creo que no hay nada. 10. El miércoles por la mañana vamos a leer un libro nuevo.

11. ¿A qué hora te levantaste esta mañana? A las 9. 12. Mi padre no conduce muy rápido, porque es demasiado peligroso.

64. TENSES. Put in the verbs into their correct tenses (Simple Present, Present Continuous or Simple Past):

"I (WRITE)__________ a book about voodoo," she (SAY)__________. "Everyone here (TALK) __________ about you. They all (SAY) __________ you (BE) __________ the best houngan in Haiti. They (SAY)__________ you (BE)__________ a very strong and good houngan, and that you always (HELP)__________ people."

Kee (SMILE)__________ . "I try to help good people," he (SAY)__________ . "Come into the house, Dr Jackson. Let me get you a drink and we can talk."

65. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. My office is ________ the second floor ________ the lift.

2. My parents live ________ South Street.

3. When do you usually come home? _______ about six o'clock.

4. I work _______ 17, Rocky Lane ________ 9 am_________ 2 pm.

5. I don't go ________ school _______ the afternoon.

66. Now ask when you do these things and then answer the following questions with the times given :

1. ___________ go to school ? ______________________________

2. ___________ have lunch ? ________________________

67. LANGUAGE IN USE. Write questions for these answers :

1. _______________________________ ? I'm from Spain.

2. _______________________________ ? She's 24 years old.

3. _______________________________ ? I'm sorry. I don't know.

4. _______________________________ ? Next to the post office.

5. _______________________________ ? 9, Malaga Avenue.

68. Put in THE where necessary:

1. "I've got one apple and a piece of chocolate." "I'll have ______ chocolate."

2. I don't like ______ fish.

3. She's got two boys and two girls. ______ two girls are Jane and Betty.

4. ______ girls usually like dolls.

69. Ask for more information :

1. My teacher bought a new car. When __________________________?

2. My grandmother came to see us last Saturday. ___________ grandfather ____________________ ?

3. She got up at six o'clock. Where ___________________________?

70. Tell me what you did last Sunday using the following connectors(circle them):

and / and then / but / in the afternoon / in the evening / until / when


71. Fill in the gaps with prepositions :

1. I never go ______ school ______ Sunday. 2. My sister works ______ the supermarket.

3. The shoes are ______ the table. 4. Listen ______ the recording.

5. My father is ______ bed because he is ill.

72. Put the words in the correct order :

1. blue have small a car we got _____________

2. dark has long Jane hair got _________________

3. TV colour a and chairs blue dark two are there kitchen my in _______

73. TENSES. Put the verbs into the Simple Present (+ affirmative; ‑ negative; ? interrogative):

1. When _______________ breakfast ? (he / ? to have)

2. _______________ at 8.00 a.m. (they / + to get up)

3. _______________ on Sunday. (I / ‑ to work)

4. _______________ basketball ? (you / ? to play)

5. _______________ everyday. (students / + to study)

74. Fill in the blanks with : HER / SHE / THEIR / THEM / HIM / THEY / WE / HER

1. They work in Cambridge. ______ address is 156 Milton Road.

2. Where does your mother work? ______ works in Almuñécar. ______ job is very interesting.

3. Mary and Joe are friends. ______ are German.I like ______ , but I don't like ______ .

4. My wife and I are teachers. ______ work in Almeria.

5. Lions are my favourite animals.I like ______ very much.

75. Translate the following sentences into English :

1. Me gustan bastante los coches. _______________________

2. Mi madre odia cocinar los domingos.__________

3. ¿Te gusta la cerveza? No me gusta mucho,pero me encanta la fanta. __

4. ¿Cómo vas al instituto? En coche. ______________________

5. ¿A qué hora se levanta tu padre? A las ocho y cuarto. __________

6. ¿Dónde estabas ayer a las diez? Estaba en el instituto. ________

75. Complete the sentences with ‘ambos, ninguno de ellos, todos ellos….’:

1. The Sabio Bros. are ______________ shy, but ___________ is bad at English. __________ passed the first two terms.

2. They handed out textbooks for _________ us, so ____________ us had to pay for them.

3. __________ Nuria _____________ Anabel came _________ the days during the week before Easter.

4. __________ us should know that English is essential for our future and that _________ us will enter university if we don't pass English.