School year 202-2022

The Quiet Man - film

The Chariots of Fire - review

Never say never again - scenes

School year 2021-2022

Project on England by Alejandro Venegas (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by Javier Rivas López (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by Fco. José Prados Espinosa (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by Andrea Valdés Padial (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by Fran Toledo (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by José Carlos Escribabo (3º ESO A)

Project on England by Abel Martínez (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by José Antº Sabio (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by Rubén Sabio (3º ESO A)

School year 2018-2019

Project on England by José Corzo (3º ESO A)

Project on England by Lucía Espinosa (3º ESO A)

Project on England by Álvaro Martín Moliz (3º ESO A)

Project on England by Francisco González (3º ESO A)

Project on England by Natalia López (3º ESO A)

Project on White Fang by Johana Gutiérrez (3º ESO A)

Project on White Fang by Lucía Espinosa (3º ESO A)


England by Lourdes, Rita & Raúl.

Ana Fernández Puentedura presents ENGLAND >>>

A close shave by Mª José García (3º ESO A) >>>

A close shave by María Béjar (3º ESO A) >>>>

Some other projects on England done by Joaquín, Andrea, Alex, José Manuel...