Class rules


(2º BACH)

HONESTY, COMMITMENT, POSITIVE ATTITUDE, DETERMINATION... are key components to succeed at this level!!

General matters

  • During the breaks I will be available for those students who need help or some extra material, or just want to talk with me. Check availability here first.

  • Students at this level are supposed to be highly motivated because of their age and the Selectivity exam (bear in mind the countdown you have got in this site). Although the 2nd Bachillerato final exams and the Selectivity exams are two things apart, you should always remember that in the Selectivity exam 40% of the mark comes from the reading & comprensión, another 30% from the use of English section (grammar and vocabulary) and the other 30% comes from the composition.

  • Those students who didn’t pass English in September (pendientes) will have several opportunities all along the year. The first one is the Entry exam we will be doing shortly. You will have to hand in all the compositions you didn't do last year and that were included in the June report. There are free photocopies in the department if you need some extra material.

  • Remember that in this site there will be news about grants to go to English speaking countries (MEC and Junta de Andalucía).

  • We already have a few students who have passed their B1 and B2 exams. The key word is COMMITMENT , apart from honesty and maturity >>> Just imagine all these students with their B1 in English and French and their B2 in English before going to university, which is something that is compulsory to have for your future university studies (convalidación por 36 créditos de libre configuración en la Universidad) and for the search of a job, and to get a better ERASMUS GRANT.

  • Organise your week paying attention to the days of the week we have class and organise your school year not leaving things you must do to the end of the school year when you haven’t got so much time to spare. Another key word: ORGANISATION

  • To end, I remind you that you can download into a pendrive some useful material for the subject (listening exercises, photocopies…) from the computer we have got in the Language Department or by means of DROPBOX (if you have it in your computer). As well, I remind you that in this site you have got my email address, my blog, our website in Helvia, some partners’ blogs and many other interesting weblinks for you. You can submit to my blog and the school’s blog.

  • COVID-19 effects >>> We will all try to minimize its effects ( BEATING COVID-19 new page to know exactly what we are doing ) by revising a lot (paying special attention to students who didn't pass 1º Bach - PENDIENTES) and slowing down the rhythm, but we depend on the students' participation, commitment and honesty. The school has made an effort to have all our classes face to face.

In class and class dynamics

  • In order to learn your names, and just if you are new this year in the group, you should write them on a piece of paper and set them on your desk. I need all your personal data, so fill in this form at home. If you don’t do it, you will have to do it during a break.

  • The classroom must be always clean (with no litter at all on the floor) and tidy. You must try to sit as close as you can from the blackboard unless you are not interested.

  • CHEWING GUM is completely forbidden!!!

  • Time is Money, we've only got 3 hours per week. The more we see, the better. Therefore, you will have to be systematic and strict (two other key words) with all you are asked to do. Some of you have already been. Check the SUMMER SCOREBOARD.

  • Attendance to classes is essential, as well as doing your homework everyday to keep up with the class, but if you don't feel like coming or working, please do not come and do not distract the rest of the group.

  • Silence is essential if we want to take advantage of the teacher’s explanations or your classmates interventions in class. So if one day you don’t feel like coming to class, it is better to stay outside because I am not going to allow you to disturb your classmates or me.

  • We will make an effort to use English as much as possible not only for the oral tests we have, but also for the possible inclusion of an oral exercise in the Selectivity exam or if you enter the Language School exam.

  • You should keep your notebook or file tidy and clean, although there will be no control.

  • You should hand in at least 10 compositions all along the year and you will have to do it by the date you are told (I will insert the dates in my calendar here in the site). For instance, you must write the first one by the end of September.

Class material

  • The textbook is GET SET 2 (Oxford Univ. Press) + Workbook (both of them are recommended, not compulsory. If you buy them, be ready to re-sell it at the end of the year). All the audio material will be available in the pendrive.

  • Graded readers. We will be doing dictations, listening exercises and controls about the readers (you can also do the activities at the end of them or write compositions to improve your marks, although they will be just optional). The names of the graded readers are:

- 1st term >>>“A Foreigner in New York” (Burlington Books). There will be a control in December. You will have to make a project (it can be a tourist brochure or presentation to upload onto our blog)

- 2nd term >>> “Jane Eyre” (Oxford Bookworms). The control will be in March. You will write a composition, where one of the paragraphs must make reference to the author and her sister.

- 3rd term >>> “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” (Richmond readers). You will hand in a composition, where one of the paragraphs must make reference to the author by 15th May, 2018. You will also have to make a comment in the post of my blog: Rascals are no longer just naughty boys making reference to the book, the characters, the writer and the videos provided.

  • You must have all the material provided in this site. Those with a lower level remember that can also visit the pages in this site related to 1º Bachillerato.

  • A bilingual and a monolingual dictionary are very advisable, although you can also use the ones with have online on this site.

  • I also remind you of all the books, films, readers, dictionaries, grammar books… that are your disposal both in the school library and in the Language Department.

  • You should read a lot in English this year so that you can prepare properly for the Selectivity exam. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to send me any interesting articles (or the links) you find to my email address so that I can upload them into this site or blog. Also remember that my blog tries to fulfil this goal.

Evaluation criteria

  • Passing or failing is not an issue that depends on the teacher’s opinion. The teacher will just reflect what your exams reflect as if he were a mirror trying to avoid any partiality. As well, we will make an effort to implement the same evaluation criteria to all the students of the groups in the level of 2nd Bachillerato using similar exams, but remember that our final exams are not the same as the Selectivity exams.

  • The dates of the term exams will be arranged shortly. As last year, there will be 3 parts (GRAMMAR & USE OF ENGLISH , SELECTIVITY EXAM & LISTENING & COMPREHENSION + DICTATION), apart from the control on the first two readers.

  • Therefore, the final mark will come out of these aspects:

>>> RESULTS (80%) : Selectivity exams will be part of the exams implemented.

>>> PROCESSES (20%): your participation in class, homework, personal effort & Compositions (written at home) + personal attitude towards the subject, class attendance, behaviour in class.

  • Possibilities to rise your mark: video sketch (it must be handed in by April) & making comments in my blog. DIGITAL PROJECT: Our digital project.

  • A few of you have done some work during the summer time (Check the SUMMER SCOREBOARD) . This will be taken into account.

There are no longer resit exams in September!!!!