Managing Emotions

The Tetris Effect

Did you know that your brain is trained to find places to fit? Did you know that if you start off having a "bad day", your brain actually continues to look for what else can "go bad" in your day? This is what is known as the Tetris Effect.

The good news is that your brain is also like a road that you travel down. Just because you start off on one route, doesn't mean that you have to stay there. The Tetris Effect can also work by changing the mental road you are traveling down to start looking for positives. So, when you are having a bad day, try these Tetris Effect Tips!

1. Write down as many things that you are grateful for or that you can see going right in your day.

2. Hang out with a positive person (a family member or friend).

3. Hang out with an animal.

4. Watch funny videos/memes/GIFs.

5. Listen to uplifting music.