Shout Outs

Is There Someone You Would Like to Recognize?

If so, give them a shout out for all the school and community to see!

January Submissions!

Mridula S. submitted a shout out to Lavanya S.: She is the BEST locker partner I could ask for!

Olivia submitted a shout out to Katelyn F.: You are someone who shows what a BEST friend does!

Nikola Z. submitted a shout out to Ayush B.: For being friendly and helping out!

Ayush B. submitted a shout out to Sai Anish K.: Sai got his first A on a test so I congratulated him. Way to go!

Ayush B. submitted a shout out to Nikola Z.: He printed a cool 3-D Wildcat in FUSE!

Ayush B. submitted a shout out to Arul N.: Arul stood up to a bully on the playground!

Gianna submitted a shout out to Molly M.: Thank you, Molly, for always being great, a best friend, and getting me Starbucks today. Love you, Molly!

Awesome job Wildcats, let's keep lifting up those around us! Submit a shout out to someone you would like to recognize for publication in next month's issue. Scroll down to fill out the form. Scroll down even further for more shout out ideas!

Meeting a milestone

Acknowledge someone's potential

Going above and beyond expectations

Showing appreciation for someone and/or their efforts

Giving thanks for a job well done

Collaborating in new and unique ways - Together as One!

Demonstrates Wildcat Ways

Exhibiting excellence in class or in a club or sport

Have other ideas for shout outs?

Send them to Mrs. Engel: