
Dear Advice Giver,

Can you please help me deal with the amount of tests I have in my classes? I know they are there to help us understand our reading more and enhance our writing; however, I can't find my focus in studying for them. It is so hard to keep up with the vocab chart and memorize the words, but I'd like to know the vocabulary to become a better writer! Do you mind giving me advice to help me be more optimistic about tests?


I Want To Be Optimistic About Vocab

Dear I Want To Be Optimistic About Vocab,

I understand your concerns; however, you are putting too much pressure on yourself. Vocab tests aren't as hard because you don't have to do any writing in the tests. If you are confused with the words, try to incorporate them into your daily tasks. I see you are trying to focus on your studies and that is a typical thing students would like to do. Try to listen to meditation music and I assure you this would help your mind understand the words better. I hope this response made you understand what I mean!


Advice Giver