Summer Writing Tips

Beauty Of Being A Poet

By: Munya N.

How does a poet have such power over words? How do poets get their words down to make such a beautiful piece? Well, here's how! After you read this, you'll have a basic overview of how some poets work! ENJOY!

First and foremost, we need to grab a writing utensil and a piece of paper. Writing thoughts on paper helps your brain write freely. For me anyways.

Second, let your thoughts sprinkle across the paper. Don't limit yourself. Don't feel as though you need to choose a a topic to write about. Poetry is a type of writing that has no boundaries.

Third, when you get thoughts on paper, organize your words.

Fourth, read over your thoughts again. Check for any grammar errors.

Fifth, YOU'RE DONE!!!!

That is how I write my poems. Some have poetry as a gift and some need to practice. See what fits for you and try. Remember! Words are stronger than any weapon.

Summer is fleeting

This day the leaves have turned,

Their vivid hues blush bright.

Away the reds and yellows burned,

Fade to dust in the night.

The birds, flown back

Perch in true high set trees

Yet the dullness they lack

A palate through canopies.

The heat risen high,

As humidity grows

All the bees set to fly

In precise little rows

Hummingbird wings flap through the night,

As all the frogs croak them to sleep

The birds and winged bats take to flight

While uphill ivy longs to creep

The beauty is here

Stretching far as can see

As though outside is a mirror

It asks this little of me

by: Anonymous