Advice Column

Dear Advice Giver,

I dislike how much homework we have! It’s been driving me nuts ever since the first day. Is there SOME way where teachers get a day off of giving us homework? Please help!


It's Too Much

Dear It's Too Much,

I know that people are complaining about too much homework. What you should do to fix it is maybe do your homework in class when you have the time, so that when you get home, you won’t have that much homework to do. It seems like a lot, but think about everything you are learning!


Advice Giver

Dear Advice Giver,

Why do we get two periods for language arts instead of one? It’s just like a normal class, not a special class that needs two periods! Why do we have to have one period for shared reading and then the second period as guided reading? It seems a bit unfair.



Dear #WhySoMuchLA,

I know that for some people classes last way too long, especially language arts and math, but this is an opportunity to build and succeed on your math and language arts skills. This is the important question...Do you really want to have a bad grade in your core subject classes? If you have a bad grade, this is why you have very good teachers to help you!


Advice Giver

Dear Advice Giver,

I have a friend who was really nice to me and we have been friends for almost a year. Just yesterday though, she kept on ignoring me. She won’t even talk to me or even wave her hand “hi” to me throughout the hallways! Now, nobody will talk to me because other people said I got into a fight with her. I need your advice because I miss her friendship.



Dear Frenemies,

If your friendships break up pretty quickly, think about what it means to have a trustworthy friend who gives you respect. Also, if you get in fights really easily, you should probably try and figure out your problems by asking what happened between you two in the first place. A bit of communication can go a long way, especially if there was some sort of misunderstanding.


Advice Giver

Dear Advice Giver,

I have a boyfriend and we always walk to classes together. A few days ago, when I walked into my math class, he just glared at me for no reason! When I walked into my science class, he wouldn’t even say hi. I'm confused as to how I should approach him about this.



Dear WhatHappenedToUs?,

It’s very hard to find the right person for you, and if you’re in a relationship, it’s very likely that you felt a click with that person. However, if that feeling fades away, or feels not as strong or mutual, it’s likely that you will have to make the correct choice and end the relationship. It’s not his/her fault, it just shows they’re not the right one for you.


Advice Giver