Zoomed Shoe

The subject of my drawing looks like a bunch of abstract shapes, however it is really my shoe zoomed in. The setting is mainly my shoelaces of my shoe. This work was made using pencil to outline it, sharpie to go over the pencil lines and colored pencil to add color to my piece. I also used rulers to make the lines of my shoe straight. I created this artwork because we got to choose between 3 different “zooms” of our shoe and this one was the most intricate and interesting. I used color and shape for elements of art. The work is not really composed in any special way, it is just the shapes that my shoe showed up when I zoomed in.

Composition rules that I used include grouping, because the different shapes are in groups. I also used pattern with the blue and red colors. In the beginning I was not going to draw designs within the shapes, however I then decided to, to add more interest to the artwork.

The meaning behind this it is sometimes the closer into something you look the more you will find out about it. This project relates to my life because sometimes I will see something and judge it by the first took but I need to remember to look closer at that person and maybe I will find more about them. One way my artwork could be stronger is if I made my coloring really dark because right now it is light and it doesn’t look as good as it could.