Hand Drawing

The subject of my creation is a hand holding a rubber band in between the pointer finger and thumb.

The work was made using pencil to draw the hand and then colored pencil in the background.

I chose to create this specific piece of artwork because it was a good pose to draw that was not too difficult and I chose the background to make the hand stand out more. I used color for an element and contrast to make the hand look more real.

One composition rule I used was leading lines around the hand to allow it to pop more. I also used balance in the background by alternating the colors.

My project evolved because in the beginning I just had the hand, I then added the lines to make it more realistic, I also ended up adding a background so the hand would pop out more.

The meaning behind this artwork is a dysfunctional hand holding a rubber band. The hand is holding the rubber band there trying to not let it go.

This project relates to my life because sometimes there are things that are hard to hold on to but as long as you don't let go it will be fine in the end.

One thing I would change about my artwork is I would darken the lines within my hand so you can actually see them and make the hand look more real. I also would maybe change my background to something more simple and not as busy.