Donate Life

The subject of my creation is to promote organ donation. I used a popular quote from Grey’s Anatomy and drew 6 organs, along with a recycle logo. I used sharpie and colored pencil to create this. I chose to create this because Grey’s Anatomy is very popular and I think that people would have a better chance of signing up if it is a Mcdreamy quote/something they enjoy. I used color to make this more interesting as well as space to fill the page. I also used balance by putting 3 organs on one side and the other 3 on the other.

Some composition rules I used include, formal balance with the 6 organs and grouping also with the 6 organs. At first I just had the saying at the top however I ended up adding the organs and the recycle thing as well.

The meaning behind this artwork is to try and convince people to sign up and become an organ donor. This relates to my life because someday I will need to choose if I want to be an organ donor or not. This artwork was not my best price, I could have done a better job on the recycle logo in the middle and added a background.