Ceramics II

Final Reflection:

I found myself to be successful this year in ceramics. Although we had a limited amount of time and I was only able to complete two projects I am proud of how both of them turned out. I enjoyed making both of these projects and believe that they both will be able to serve a purpose outside of looking nice. I will most likely hang my hound mask somewhere in my room because I love Game of Thrones, and could use the tiles as a place to set a warm pot.

The hardest part of this course was probably translating my ideas into the actual ceramic piece. I'm not the most artistically gifted so I struggled to put my visions on paper and then sculpt them into clay, however, I am proud of the artwork I created myself with some help from Mr. A. I found the best way to overcome this obstacle was by finding inspiration online, as well as conferring with peers on what they believed would look the best. Another part of this course that I struggled with was time management. Having fewer class periods, and eventually shorter class times made for less time to work on my artwork. This forced me to work on my time management skills, stay on task all class, so I only had to come back during study halls a few times.

I like both of my pieces this year, however, if I had to choose a favorite it would be my mask design. I liked how I was able to incorporate something that I enjoy, Game of Thrones. I recently watched this series and it quickly became my favorite show, so I thought making the mask of one of my favorite characters would be a good use of time, as well as guarantee something to be made that I will utilize outside of school. I don't have a least favorite project because I loved both of my pieces this year, but, if I could go back and fix my tile design I would do a better job glazing. The glazing of my tiles was tedious and timely, so if I was more patient I could have made the color darker on some parts and more clean looking.

Overall I am glad I took Ceramics II. In the beginning, I believed I would struggle to remember techniques that I learned two years ago, however it was easy than expected and after a few reminders I was back into the swing of things.