Self Portait

The subject of my creation is me. The setting is in the light room. The work was made using graphite, ink and charcoal. I started by using the graphing method. I then drew the outline and then went in and shaded the parts using the matching values. I chose to create this image because it was not super complicated but not boring, it also had a wide range of lights and darks.

I used low key and high key lighting to show the lighter parts and the shadow parts if my drawing. In the beginning I was struggling with how to do my hair so overtime my hair began to look my realistic. I also had a hard time with the shadows on my face and making them dark enough so they got darker over time as well.

This project relates to my life because it is an image of me. The story is, a girl posing in the light room at school to get a good picture to draw for her self portrait. One way I would revise this is my face. I would match the values better and make everything even more proportional.