
The subject of my creation is bunch of leaves and a pinecone drawn on a paper and colors in the negative space and black colored in the positive space outside of the border.

The work was made first by using pencil to draw the leaves and the border which were then traced using black pen. I then used watercolor colored pencils to color the negative space and a black sharpie to color the positive space outside of the border.

I arranged this work in this way because it made it so there was enough negative space so you could tell what it was for the most part. I used contrast with the colors to make them stand out more.

One composition rule I used is framing. I framed the leaves with black pen to make them stand out more. I also used formal balance in the piece with the leaves and making the outside of the border darker.

At first I just had the leaves drawn and colored however I improved it by coloring the positive space outside of the border and by going over the leaf lines and border with black pen.

The story behind this artwork is a bunch of dysfunctional leaves that are connected and they happened to have lost all color except for the parts in the negative space of how they connect.

This project related to my life because sometimes during the negative parts of life someone/something will bring a little color/happiness into that part and make it better.

If I could make this artwork better I would erase some of the lines inside that I wasn’t supposed to draw, I also maybe would make the outline of the leaves darker so they can stand out more.