
For this project we were asked to make three spheres. The spheres that where assigned to make were, man-made, nature inspired and sgraffito. We had to make out spheres using the pinch-technique. While creating these some elements and principles I used were shape with the spheres, trees and the coins, I also used color with the glaze on each sphere. Pattern with the placement of the trees, and the coins around the sphere. The first part that I chose to create was the nature-inspired. I based it off of trees. I made it so there were a bunch of trees molded around the sphere, with one sticking out on top. In the beginning I wasn't planning on placing a tree on top of the sphere, however it looked plain so I added one. I glazed the sphere with SM-1, which is a satin matte black glaze. I glazed the trees with SM-27, which is a satin matte teal. Next I created my man-made sphere. I decided to make a bunch of coins around the sphere. I created different sized circles, and then carved in different numbers to show the coins value. I then slipped and scored to attach the coins to the sphere. I glazed this sphere with PC-23 which is an shiny iron type color that gives it an old fashion look. The last sphere I made was my sgraffito. I made my sphere, using the pinch-technique and then putting three coats of black sgraffito glaze over it. I then scratched the sgraffito into different firework/flower designs. I glazed the sgraffito sphere with a HF-10 which is a clear glaze. The meaning behind these three spheres is that I like, them and they all resemble things I like in my life. If I could go back and change, anything about these I would make my original sgraffito glaze look cleaner. I would also make the trees on my sphere better, and the teal glaze on them cleaner.

Completed photos:

In process photos: