Artist Inspired

The setting of my creation is a cloudy day, inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” However I added gold and abstract shapes for the clouds, inspired by Gustav Klimt. The work was made using acrylic paint, after planning the drawing artwork on another piece of paper. I chose to create this specific piece because it needed to express Vincent Van Gogh and Gustav Klimt’s art ways, which I did. I used informal balance with the clouds because around their times not everything was centered, or perfectly balanced.

I used rhythm throughout this artwork with the clouds and the raindrops with mini puddles on the grass. At first I just had the sky, grass and clouds however I added the rain drop and puddles to add more gold and deeper meaning.

The meaning behind this art piece is just one raindrop can create puddles everywhere, or just one person standing up for what they believe in will affect many other people around them. This project relates to my life because I strongly believe in standing up for what you want and that when you do many others will be affected by it. If I was to revise this project I would add other blues and greens into the grass and sky as Vincent Van Gogh would have probably done.