Historical Coil pot

For the historical coil pot project we were asked to pick a type of pot from a historical time and then go and modernize it. The subject of my creation is an Egyptian pot, I changed the historical zig zags into modern mountains. The work was made using the coil pot technique to create the initial pot and then a carving tool to make the "mountains" around the pot. After the pot was bisque fired I applied a gold glaze.

Some elements and principles of design that I used in this piece are, color with the gold glaze and pattern with the mountains around the pot. While working on my project I was originally going to make it go up more gradually however it ended up getting to big so I chose to just make it go up more abruptly.

The meaning behind this work is a pot that symbolizes ancient Egyptian art and is made a but more modern to fit in to today's standards. This project relates to my life because there are mountains on it and I like hiking mountains. I am proudest with how the shape of this coil pot ended up coming out. I struggled with the part of making the coil pot where it gradually goes up, however with some help from Mr. A I was able to get past it. One thing I would do differently with this project is actually finish carving the mountains into it so the pot would be complete.

Final Product:


In process photos: