Linear Perspective

The subject of my creation is a random room that contains, 3 windows, a table, 2 chairs, a shelf, a rug, a couch, a tiled floor, a boarded ceiling and 2 ceiling lights.

The work was used using a light pencil and a ruler, I then later went over it with a darker pencil so you can see the lines more.

I chose to create this specific piece because we were given a list of what our artwork needed on it so I drew everything it needed. I chose to arrange it in this way so it would have enough room to fit everything that was needed in it. I also chose this specific format to make everything noticeable.

One composition rule I used was leading lines. I made some lines leading because so they could stand out more and be more prominent among some of the other lines.

My project evolved by starting as just a very simple drawing and then I added more detail to make the objects more realistic. I also at first had these square lights that did not look very real however after I fixed them and made the circles they looked better.

The meaning behind this artwork is it is a room of a old widowed woman, that has is always inside her home because she's lonely without her significant other.

This project relates to my life because it is a living room type room and I have a living room in my house.

If I had the chance to redo this project then I would redo the chair on the right of the table because I messed that chair up and I couldn’t get it correct. I also would make my open door look more real as well.