Time Capsule Drawing

The subject of my banana creation is just a drawing of bananas because I needed to draw a still object.

I made the art by looking at a picture of bananas and using pencil to draw and shade the bananas.

I chose to create this piece of artwork because I was sitting in the kitchen and saw some bananas and decided to draw them. I used pencil and made the outline darker to frame the bananas and make them stand out more, so you could tell the difference between each banana.

One composition rule I used was the framing rule because I framed the bananas with darker lines to make them stand out more.

At first I only had two bananas however after I added another banana to make it more realistic.

I think that I could have worked on making a base for the bananas. In the picture it is just bananas and they aren’t on anything so I could have made something for them to be on.