Color Design

The subject of my creation is a bunch of abstract shapes, colored using different color wheel values. The work was made using pencil to draw the lines, sharpie to make the lines pop and acrylic paint for the colors. I chose to create this because it is a simple, fun way to incorporate all the colors I needed to.

Some composition rules I used are grouping with the colors and the values that went with the color. I also used leading lines with the sharpie. My project evolved because in the beginning I had a different plan using triangles however I decided to use this one instead because I thought it would look cooler in the end. I also had to go back and repaint some of my colors.

The story behind this art is even when everything looks different there is always something in common. This relates to my life because often I am quick to judge something when all I needed to do was find what I have in common with it. If I could revise this I would go back and paint more layers over some areas because you can see through them and the brushstrokes.