Blind Contour Drawing

The subject of my blind contour drawing is just an abstract drawing. You can see parts of the face, a hand and 2 other random drawings that don’t really make anything.

The work was made by blindly drawing something that I was looking at without picking up the marker. I used sharpie to draw the hand and then water color to color the artwork.

I did not chose to draw these 4 different parts of the artwork however I colored them using many different colors to allow specific parts to stick out and to make it look more abstract.

I chose to create this specific piece of artwork because I needed a way to make the work more interesting and not look like 4 random drawings. So I added color to make it abstract, making sure I was careful about where to add color to make certain parts stand out.

Some composition rules I included in my peice include low key and high key lighting. I added certain colors in certain places to make other colors pop out more.

My project evolved because in the beginning I didn’t know how to make this piece of work more interesting. I then started to add realistic colors to the different parts that made it make sense however, I then realized that this is not a realistic drawing, so I added unrealistic color to make this piece more interesting.

The meaning of this artwork is a person whose hand got cut off and is floating, then there head is just floating as well because they lost the rest of the body. There is also another distorted head floating and a tornado looking swirl that took the bodies of the people.

This project relates to my life because like is really crazy sometimes and this picture is crazy and all over the place like my life sometimes is.

I think that tone way to improve this artwork is by spending more time thinking about the different colors. Another way I could have improved this artwork is by maybe making it into something real.