Tile Design

I chose to do leaves as my tile project because I thought that they would look cool connecting to each other throughout the tiles. I also was inspired by nature and recently have been loving the outdoors, especially as it's been warmer out. To make this I started by sketching my design and then I plastered the mold. I used the mold by pushing clay into it to make the tile design. After a few minutes, the clay was able to slide out of the mold. This process was repeated for 6 tiles. After completing all 6 molds, I decided to glaze the leaves with two different greens and the background a darker blue to resemble leaves floating over a body of water to create a piece of realism. I used Vert Lustre PC-41 for the darker green, and Jade C-47 for the lighter, more transparent green. I used Indigo Float PC-23 for the blue. Overall I am happy with how my tiles came out, they are what I pictured as far as the design and colors. One thing I would change is the amount of glaze I put on because you can tell which one's I got tired of doing and didn't put as many coats as others.