Ceramics 1

Final Reflection:

Out of all the projects that we have done this semester in ceramics, my favorite has been the artist inspired project. I am most proud of this because it came out almost exactly how I wanted it to and it looks clean like Kelly Justice's do. I am also proud of how this project shows how much I have improved throughout this class, as this is my last project and probably best. The main thing I learned from this project is that if I focus and take my time I actually can create "good" work. I also was able to continue working how to make mugs, and was able to do it mostly on my own. One last thing I learned is that it is okay to mess up, and that nothing is that hard to fix.

I have always thought that ceramics artwork looked cool and thought that working with clay would be really fun, and my thoughts have not changed after taking this class. One thing about ceramics is that it is not easy to make your pieces look like the professionals. It takes a lot of determination and concentration to create a solid piece. You also must pay close attention to what you are doing, making sure you get to each step. It takes a lot of time, from planning what you want to create to applying three coats of glaze. After taking this class I now will appreciate all of the time and effort other artists put into their work.

One recommendation that I would make for this class is to have more reminders about artist statements. Possibly there could be check in's every few weeks to see if they are up to date. I suggest this because I forgot about them and then when the time came that they were due I had 4 to do. I also may suggest that we take time where you must take in-process photos, because I was not good at doing this and for some reason even when I was reminded I didn't do it. Overall I am glad I took this class, not only did I learn a lot about ceramics but Mr. A is a really good teacher. I learned a lot about using my time wisely and having to manage my time in this class.