Artist Inspired

For this assignment we were asked to pick a artist, research the artist and then create our own project inspired by the artist. The artist that I chose was Kelly Justice. I chose to create a mug with the same type of design and bring color that she uses in her pieces. This work was made by using the roll out thing that rolls out your clay to the exact thickness you want your piece to be. I then used a ruler and carving tool to measure out the parts I would need to form the mug. After making the mug I used a special took to put the design on, I then bisque fired and glazed the mug.

Some elements and principles I used are patter with the design I did all around and color with the glaze I put on top. One way my project evolved was i the beginning I had planned to make it all one pattern so it wasn't so much like Kelly's, however I chose to do basically the same design because it is inspired by her.

The meaning behind this artwork is honoring what the talented Kelly Justice does with her artwork. This project relates to my life because it is bright colored and I like bright colors. I am proudest of how the whole mug turned out, this is probably my favorite project that I have done.


My project

In process photos: