Multiple pinch project

The assignment for the multiple pinch project was to create a design while incorporating 5 pinch pots. The subject of my creation is an orange owl. I made the owl a bright orange with blue eyes so it would stand out more. The work was made using white clay, and PC-33 which is a bright orange and PC-23 which is an indigo blue. The elements and principles that I used to create this project are color with the glaze, and shape with the owl itself. I also used pattern on the wings to give them a textured look. The meaning behind this artwork is an owl, that has a quiet reputation, but the colors make it louder. This owl relates to my life because I like owls. I am proud with the body, and wings because I did them without help and they came out pretty good. I struggled with making the facial features (eyes, nose, ears), however I was able to overcome these by looking up photos and having Mr. A help me. One thing I would make stronger is the blue glaze around the eyes, because it looks messy.

Photo inspiration:

Finished photo: