Circle Project

The assignment for this project was to create a piece that centered around circles. The subject for my piece is a giant cobra. This cobra is making its way through a city landscape towards a Trump tower. For this piece, I used markers and a little bit of pen and pencil. The majority of it is in marker but I did use pens and pencils to outline the snake and create the unfilled circles.

I created this specific artwork because I think that cobras are cool. They also have a lot of spots on them and I though that this was optimal to make them circles. I arranged this piece so that the main focus would start at one side of the paper and make its way towards the middle. I feel like this spreads the piece out and because of this, you get the whole feel of the piece. In this piece, I used a high horizon line and sharp focus for techniques. This two techniques sort of serve different purposes in my mind because the high horizon line serves as something that makes the piece not have one single important object, while sharp focus is a focus on one object. However, I feel like in this piece, the two go well together. The snake draws a lot of attention because of the outline in pen while the high background makes it not all about the snake.

This project evolved from just a cobra in the wilderness to a giant cobra over a city. I did this because I felt like the wilderness would be very boring and not be as cool as the destruction of a city. Overall, I am happy with the way this turned out and I hope to do more very individual projects like the in the future.