Vickie Brownlee

Master of Science in Educational Psychology

Vickie volunteers in many roles for pre and post transplant procedures with the Georgia Transplant Foundation. She is a mentor, liaison, consultant, and registar. As patient mentor and center liaison, she visits the local Dialysis center and talks with each patient to offer encouragement and to answer any questions pertaining to pre-transplant procedures, receiving a kidney/pancreas transplant, and concerning post transplant needs like medication costs, fundraising, and insurance. As a volunteer consultant, the Dialysis Center Social Worker or Doctor refers patients to her to address any issues they might have.

These issues include patient care, social-emotional support, or just a listening ear from someone who understands. For those not eligible for transplant, Vickie discusses ways in which to live happy and healthy while receiving dialysis treatments. As a registrar, she collaborates with top leaders of the Georgia Transplant Foundation. She registers and coordinates services and resources for patients during the Annual Regional and National Trends In Transplant Conferences. Vickie also helps promote these events in the local dialysis center and those in the surrounding counties.

Vickie shares: “I have decided to do this volunteer work because in 2006, I received a kidney transplant after being a dialysis patient for 6 years. It changed my life Miraculously! It provided me with a better quality of life and more time to spend with my family and gave me the opportunity to go back to college (Purdue University Global) and back to work as an educator in public schools. Therefore, I wanted to educate others about the option of receiving a transplant versus remaining on dialysis. Thankfully, from my education sessions and volunteer services many have made the decision to receive a kidney transplant and now they are back to living quality lives with their families as active members of society! Thankfully!”

Vickie Brownlee sitting inside
January 2021