Kelsey Flint

Master of Science in Psychology - General Psychology

Kelsey Flint volunteers as a Support Group Facilitator for Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA). Kelsey shared that she knows just how taxing and complex it can be because she has vestibular disorder. She wanted to be a leader since she has skin in the game and wanted to help people not feel as alone as she did.

Kelsey shares: "I’m 25, I’m currently pursuing my Masters in Psychology to be a therapist for those with chronic illnesses to try and make it more accessible and inclusive for those that have troubles leaving their homes and residences and to provide more access to tele-health visits. Eventually I want to pursue my PhD in Clinical Psychology and be a social scientist. I want to research my condition more and figure out more of the intricacies and ins and outs to better understand the what’s and the why’s.

A vestibular disorder is an inner ear condition that affects balance, body, and the brain. My specific condition was caused by nerve damage to my inner ear nerves that happened during a bad virus. Instead of running it’s normal course, it travelled to my ears and damaged cochlear nerves in my right temporal lobe region.

Currently I run an online support group of over 200 members for people who are experiencing a vestibular disorder or have a loved one with one. Through Instagram, I have connected with so many individuals that also experience my condition, and medical professionals as well. I have guest spotlights and speakers in the group on different topics.

I just want those that suffer silently with any invisible illness to know that they are not alone. I hear you, I stand with you, and I want to fight alongside you."

November 2022