Deneen Stevenson

Master of Science in Criminal Justice

Deneen Stevenson is a member of the Alpha Phi Sigma-Theta Epsilon Chapter. She serves on the Executive Board as one of two Historians. During her tenure as the Historian, Deneen has contributed to the planning of the 2022 Induction Ceremony and the Chronicles of Criminal Justice Series.

Also, Deneen is a member of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Court #50 at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a member of the NAACP and held the position as the head of the litigation committee on the Executive Board.

Through these organizations, she assists the community in various capacities. Deneen brings awareness to underfunded communities, helps with Covid-19 vaccination shots, speaks to school youths regarding crime awareness/prevention, assists with conducting youth mock trials, and promotes voter registration and registers citizens to vote.

April 2022