Angela Shell

AAS in Fire Science

Angela volunteers with the American Red Cross as a Disaster Responder with the Disaster Action Team (DAT) and as Mass Care Shelter Associate (MC/SH/AS) with Service to the Armed Forces in International Services (SAF/IS).

International Service is part of Service to the Armed Forces. Angela specifically works in Restoring Family Links (RFL) and ICRC (The International Committee of the Red Cross), where she is a caseworker. Angela explains: “When an individual contacts us in search of another person, no matter where they may be in the world or inside the United States, and one of the parties is not a U.S. citizen, we will attempt to find these people and restore a communication link.

With DAT (Disaster Action Team) I am a disaster responder in emergency situations, such as fire. I will go on scene when contacted by the fire department and do an intake for the clients, to obtain and issue emergency assistance for lodging and care.

With MC/SH/AS I am a Mass Care Shelter Associate and deploy when available anywhere in the United States to assist and serve in Mass Sheltering due to National Disaster or otherwise.

It is my privilege to serve my fellow man. I look forward to finding my place in the workforce in international humanitarian disaster response, and Forestry."

October 2021